Bloodborne 2015

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I don't own a ps4, so when I had a roommate that did have one, I would play bloodborne while they slept and I ended up beating the game 3 times and getting the platinum trophy. We only lived together for 2 months.

This game is incredible. It has an incredible, beautiful world to explore, fantastic mechanics, and a deeply unsettling story. I don't really know what I can say about this game that hasn't been said by so many others hundreds of times before, but I'll just give my thoughts on it because it is one of my favorite games ever.

The world is so lovingly put together. The beauty and intricacy of this worlds architecture while being genuinely disgusting and disturbing is so incredible. With the further you go making this contrast all the more apparent, more beautiful and disturbing at the same time as you keep going. The game itself has probably one of the best uses of chromatic aberration I've seen in a game.

The visceral nature of the combat and enemies is so satisfying to learn to master. Enemies fly at you, into you, forcing you to fight just as ferociously, moving around them rather than away. Combined with the getting health back mechanic makes fighting feel like a fight for your life. Until you master the game, then it feels like you are truly hunting these enemies in as cold and calculated of a way as this game could make you feel.

The story is bonkers, and a lot to wrap your head around, but that's the point. The cosmic horror of the games horror makes it feel like your unlocking the secrets of the world. So many seemingly weird things start to make sense the more knowledge you gain.

This game is incredible, truly