Yakuza Ranked

i still like all of these games

the one i havent played
bloated leveling system, but mods make this game more bearable, also changes some of the most raw ass tracks from the original
its alright, unreal engine kinda fucks with this game
only above ishin kiwami just cause this feels better and the heat colors are great
the leveling up in this game holds it back, also majima everywhere gets annoying on repeat playthroughs
shinada pilled, story sucks tho
this combat kinda sucks, a bit to slow coming off of kiwami 2 and crane is basically useless, need to replay it tho


raw as fuck, funny dub but i like the va for kiryu
combat kinda sucks but still fun, love the part of the story with father kiryu held down by all the nonsense in the second half, best kiryu bro tho
some of the best combat in the series, the best of 3 (combat) with all the flaws removed but held down by its story that is forgettable
the only protagonist who isnt a virgin
peak ending, combat is dated being the first ps3 era game but still great
great game with overused memes, great soundtrack and combat, also the modding scene for this game is incredible
Juggling is hard in this game, still fun tho and agent is a pretty fun style as well
kiryu has never been more angry, for some reason plays better than kiwami 2??
one of the best character arcs in the entire series
psp kino, not enough people have played
Raw ass game with a banger ass soundtrack
Ichiban is literally me
combat great as fuck with one of my favorite villains in the series
ichiban is the goat and i love him, kiryu is great but ichi is more my style


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