sat down and played this for like 3 hours and got my ass beat but despite its jank, this is a fun samurai game, i could see myself going back to this later on, but im satisfied with the ending i got (ending 3), fun combat, i like the vs mode, the visuals are great, and for being a ps2 game this is really well made, i never hear anyone talk about this

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the camera sucks dog ass, controls are alright and i like the look of this game, i dropped it cause the stupid ass first diavolo fight after ghiaccio, truly one of the most unfair bullshit fights ive experienced in a game, like i get it, but still doesnt change the fact they expect you to beat someone who spams the same move over and over

need to go back for the platinum

FUCKING PEAK, top tier villain, incredible game play it now


This game is so fun, i didnt have many connection problems, the characters meeting is fucking awesome also the unique gha’s (johnny against valentine…) are incredible

this is just a worse version of the first game, 5 people instead of six and some shitty battle pass that takes forever to level up, play tf2 instead

i like this game just wish it wasnt 30 fps and i wish there were more weapons, hoping for a sequel cause this definitely deserves it

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immediate thoughts after playing this game is what a way to sour the experience of the game, that entire long battle at the end with the ninjas is possibly one of the worst experiences ive had with this series next to kiwami 2 man in black and my first playthrough of 3, aside from that this game has some major jank but i kinda like this game, i wish there was a fan translation cause i'd really like to completely understand the story without having to watch some videos to get it, even having said all that i think this is one of the best endings and akin to what they wanted to actually do with kiryu (killing him off)

only reason to play this game is mercenaries, easily the best mercenaries in the entire series, the story is alright, but for the love of god play it with someone or the game is not very fun

dissapointing, i love 1 and 2 but the online issues at launch just ruined this one, at least with 2 we had a couple years to enjoy the game before the issues became a problem

fun game with simple combat and a decent story, i really like the setting of this game too, also i like it being set in the same universe as way of the samurai, anyways play it its fun

i think this game is pretty good but honestly its pretty hard, maybe cause i didnt upgrade any of my stuff and didnt do any of the training besides komaki, theres probably fun to be had with the side stuff but since i cant read kanji or japanese i wont experience most of it, but pretty fun for the experience, excited to play the remake and understand the story

the shooting section fucking sucks

This game was pretty fun, i think people will get more out of this if they're already a fan of the manga, but damn this game is pretty sick, has some of the best dynamic intros in the series, some of the best qtes, some awesome ass music and i love the way the heat aura's look in this game, if you're a fan of fotns this is worth checking out or a fan of yakuza you might get some fun out of it, it doesnt spoil the manga so if you plan on reading it you're good (also please sega, rgg, whoever, give me a jojo part 1 game.)