Devil May Cry is a game to play if you want to have a good time and smile. For a 2001 video game, the combat is very satisfying and weighty, and being able to juggle between different enemies at once stringing together different combos felt badass. The dialogue, being as cheesy as it was, turned out to be both cool and funny at the same time. In my opinion, DMC is a title worth revisiting in the future.

The Last of Us is a game that I never got the chance to play when it first came out, but it still blew me away after all these years. The story is that of a journey of struggles in a broken society and trying to find a purpose in it. After the loss of his daughter, Joel becomes a shell of the man he once was, going through the motions and wondering when this train ride would end. Eventually, he meets Ellie, a young bratty kid whom he at first dislikes but would soon become Joel's new reason to live. If not for Ellie, Joel would have never figured out how to laugh and enjoy life ever again.

This game will always have an impact on me every time that I play it, and I will forget it. Having said that, "it couldn't have been for nothing".

With fun gameplay, a great voice cast, and a outstanding story that always keeps you on your toes; Metal Gear Solid is one of the most influential games I've played. But I've also heard that the best is yet to come.

Everything great about the first game was thrown out the window. Dante not having any kind of emotion or cocky quips, combat having next to no weight to it, and a boring story to boot. The only other thing that I can say is that Devil's will cry if you play this.