Game isn't long but it feels long. I think I'm about 3/5ths of the way to the final level?

The Invincible is a first person visual novel. It plainly states right there what its based on and plays as contemplatively as you'd expect for the kind of story its telling. I'd almost put it in the same kind of philosophizing as The Talos Principle games or Firewatch, but there aren't really any deep puzzles in The Invincible. You walk around, you find points of interest using a magnification scope or a metal detector and you talk to someone over a radio. You're given a good number of dialog choices throughout the story and when I play this game again in maybe a year and a few patches I'll be very interested to see the variations in dialog and events that might occur, though I hear its not super variant.

Its a great story I think, as slow as it proceeds. Good mystery and really good big Sci-Fi. If you found Starfield lacking in ponderous thought as I did this is filled to the brim with it. If you enjoyed Firewatch then you'll probably enjoy this too.
The Invincible is gorgeous, full of immense pondering about life, and stacked with great old school sci-fi aesthetics.

Looking forward to what Starward Industries make next.

***Reposted from my Steam review.

P.S. Good rover

I haven't had a strategy game hook me like this one in a long time. I don't play any 4X games really so I can't say how it stands up to the rest but I can say I spent way too much time on this one in one sitting playing through a single duel game. Definitely going to try the rest of the factions and modes and multiplayer.

Short and Star Wars vibes with a grim mood with heavy metal names for places. Good blaster guns. Died twice and still finished in under an hour. Great value with poignant ending.

Been a minute since we got a game that actually feels like its moving things forward. Astounding graphics, haunting sound, and pretty smooth gameplay that lets you figure things out.

This game takes all the best things about the Survival Horror Adventure genre, slams it together with Remedy's learnings over the past two decades and change and tapers the frustrating elements just enough for good satisfaction.

This feels like a proper successor to the Left 4 Dead style of game. I know there's a few out there and I should probably give them a shot too, for science, but the guns and melee and maps, character banters evoke the same feeling I got playing those 2008/9 zombie romps, with that Warhammer 40K flavor of course.

Great stuff.

Only a demo on PC right now, but its already my preferred way to play. Still have to log into my android to do purchases (I use google bux I get from doing their survey rewards thing) but doing daily stuff, just best on PC with my 240hz babyyyy

Scary sound design and visuals but pretty frustrating to play.
Half-Life 2 has better character animations too lol

Got to the end of the steam punk world (Natasha best mom) and once I realized I was on the cusp of putting real money into it I had to stop myself, so I've stopped played entirely

Getting grabbed by a zombie and having to sit through a bit animation without any way to stop it sucks man.
Got to the second Carlos section and I'm done for now. game just doesn't feel good.

Great way to start spooky season.
Hands shook at the end. incredible game

Didn't generally have a problem with the non-contiguous nature of the game structure but the more I ponder on my relatively brief time with it (compared to Morrowind or Skyrim or big FP RPGs not by Beth) the scene transitions and loading screens kinda suck the feeling of being in a world or in a big space out of the experience. The spaces are pretty good and movement and combat in them is quite fun. I love the people animations but they've been great since Oblivion and have only improved exponentially here in Starfield.

It would just be nice if going on some planets felt a bit more strange in some ways, more awe striking I guess. Dunno, game left me a bit wanting.

Fantastic narrative epic mystery. I've been longing for something to give me a sense of what my ancestor's lives were like in now Germany five-hundred years ago and I think this is the best it can get, for now.
From the peasantry to the noblest folk, the struggles are poignant and memorable. Wonderful art and movement carries great characters of every age.
Master work in interactive fiction.

Immaculate first person sneaky killy explory game. Wonderful world with great details, simulations and interactivity. Loved zipping all over the place choking fools out as Corvo and going full murder hobo as Daud in the DLC.

Stasis is a horror story told through a point and click adventure game. The style is a high definition Black Isle Studios isometric perspective with haunting atmosphere helped by music by the great Mark Morgan. It is a gruesome game, with some disturbing sci-fi. It feels very cool to have this kind of presentation used in this kind of story and setting. And the game is down right terrifying at parts.
The point and click adventuring and puzzling falls into the same old problems older point and click games do by obscuring a lot of important parts of the puzzles so you're basically waving your mouse around just looking for what to click, and also what bits in your inventory are supposed to be used where. Not great! Especially when the deaths can feel a bit cheap.
However, the story and atmosphere carry the game through, so to experience the story and alleviate frustration, I don't see any shame in "cheating yourself" and using a guide. I used this one: