This is scratching the itch that Battlefield: Bad Company 2 left behind 13 years ago. The learning curve here might be steep for some but enjoying it while losing is probably the best advice I can give.

Its hard to be mad when you lost because someone leveled a whole building on top of you.

Worth logging into around the holidays for the Christmas jazz music alone.
Its a great racer to me but a just as good background sound software when you're hanging out or doing chores, and educational to boot if you want to read all the details about cars and manufacturers and historical trivia that comes across the screen.

Do you like how weird Max Payne 1 would get with its level geometry? Do you wish you could play American McGee's Alice-feeling levels with Max Payne weapons?

This is the game for you.

I haven't had a strategy game hook me like this one in a long time. I don't play any 4X games really so I can't say how it stands up to the rest but I can say I spent way too much time on this one in one sitting playing through a single duel game. Definitely going to try the rest of the factions and modes and multiplayer.

been a minute since I've played any tower defense games. This one seems pretty good so far

Not a fan of the memorizing games and a lot of the games have more to do with your familiarity with kinds of music and sounds, which I like those ones but for very young kids and people who might not know what the symbols mean then it would be frustrating.


Earnest and hilarious computer ecological nightmare adventure.

Got to the end of the steam punk world (Natasha best mom) and once I realized I was on the cusp of putting real money into it I had to stop myself, so I've stopped played entirely

The first time I played this was the first day in 2014 with a copy from Redbox for PS3. Pretty weak stuff I thought at the time so I didn't continue.

I bought the collection last year for PS4 so I could see what I missed from Destiny 2 since I spent a good chunk of time with friends playing it.

I think I've completed all I can. Strikes are unpopulated and impossible to solo and I don't really want to reach out to see if there's any one on forums or discord or whatever to do the other stuff.

Immaculate first person sneaky killy explory game. Wonderful world with great details, simulations and interactivity. Loved zipping all over the place choking fools out as Corvo and going full murder hobo as Daud in the DLC.

Only a demo on PC right now, but its already my preferred way to play. Still have to log into my android to do purchases (I use google bux I get from doing their survey rewards thing) but doing daily stuff, just best on PC with my 240hz babyyyy

Fantastic narrative epic mystery. I've been longing for something to give me a sense of what my ancestor's lives were like in now Germany five-hundred years ago and I think this is the best it can get, for now.
From the peasantry to the noblest folk, the struggles are poignant and memorable. Wonderful art and movement carries great characters of every age.
Master work in interactive fiction.

Didn't generally have a problem with the non-contiguous nature of the game structure but the more I ponder on my relatively brief time with it (compared to Morrowind or Skyrim or big FP RPGs not by Beth) the scene transitions and loading screens kinda suck the feeling of being in a world or in a big space out of the experience. The spaces are pretty good and movement and combat in them is quite fun. I love the people animations but they've been great since Oblivion and have only improved exponentially here in Starfield.

It would just be nice if going on some planets felt a bit more strange in some ways, more awe striking I guess. Dunno, game left me a bit wanting.

Great way to start spooky season.
Hands shook at the end. incredible game

Bar some technical issues this game has stellar action, presentation and writing. Whole heartedly recommend to any game liker with a hankering for colorful twisted character action game.