This game was surprisingly fun. The dungeon crawler gameplay was very enjoyable & the cat humour kept on finding ways to impress me. The level 99 grind was very long though.

This game has so much potential. Once they fix the netcode and hitbox issues (with some gun balancing as well) this should be a fun game but until then I likely won't continue playing.

Just finished getting the platinum for this on the ps5 and nostalgia hit me like crazy, this may not be the greatest game in the world but it felt great to play it all these years later.

This game is pretty much just a remastered version of Evolved. Decided to finally mark this as shelved because I am still locked out of an achievement due to a bug and it has not been fixed.

I didn't finish everything so I can only comment on what I have played and it was fine. It is a wholesome cat sim with some god awful platforming.

I Went back to this game after 5 years of not playing and got the platinum trophy and I am so glad I did. Despite being very grindy this game is incredibly fun. The combat mechanics are good and the beasts are designed well.

Great game to finish off a great series of co-op games! This was definitely most annoying one when it comes to the puzzles but it's also one of the best, only behind FriendShip!

The difficulty definitely went up in this game, some of the puzzles genuinely had us stumped for a while. However I think this is not as good as the second game.

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This game had a slow start for me but the freeflow combat had a grip on me so I stuck it out and i'm glad I did. The story of the game was pretty good and the final chapter was definitely the best.

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This game was a big step up from the first One. The puzzles were more difficult but more enjoyable and secret ending was a nice touch!

I played this after playing the first game and the puzzles were much more frustrating but much more fun. I would highly recommend this if you can get past the connection issues.

I actually quite enjoyed this game. I only played this game because it was leaving Game Pass but ended up having a good amount of fun with a few friends. This was my first introduction to the world of Gundam but it has made me want to dive deeper into the franchise.

Fun co-op puzzle game to do with a friend. The puzzles are not very hard but will ruin friendships if someone is not listening.

This game is pretty much a mindless shooter to chill on once you figure out your trap strategy (Lasers, Tar & Archers are all you need)

This game is actually quite fun. The combat worked really well and the platforming was not at all clunky like I worried it would be. Not to mention the boss designs are awesome.