An overall very well made Twin-Stick- Shooter. The art sty le is pretty cool with a healthy scoop of adorable. Gameplay wise there's nothing that really stands out, but that also means that nothing stands out as particularly bad either. Definitely worth playing if you're a fan of Twin-Stick Shooters

Imscared, especially when it first originally released in 2012, was pretty unique for the meta-scare tactics it used.

The gimmick does get old because it only has a few tricks up it's sleeve, but when I first played it I did not expect to be genuinely surprised and startled by a pixel art game like this.

Pardon me while I literally copy-paste my review of the first game.

It's childish humor thrown into an "unfair" old-school style platformer. Honestly it's gameplay is closer to Mega Man than anything else - Jump and Shoot, and plenty of insta-kills.
It's really good and fun for that kind of game - if you're into that sort of thing, definitely worth playing.

2 is basically more of the same as 1 - functionally they're very similar games. If you enjoyed 1, you'll like 2.

Goldeneye Source was my saving grace in 2013 while unemployed for a brief while.

Unfortunately, this Half-Life based FPS seriously lacks players. Unless you're logging on to play with some friends, there's a good chance you won't find anyone else to play with.

It's obviously a play on Castlevania - Castle of Venia feels like a cute little loveletter to the Castlevenia series. Not amazing, but for a game that you can probably run through in an hour, it's definitely a fun time.
The artwork is definitely nice - great artstyle.

I used to be a "Frank". Don't be a "Frank".

This game is overwhelmingly dumb, but it's good for a few laughs.

I don't believe in half stars, but that's the only way to rate this putrid mess of a toxic game as low as possible.

Are you into turning out the lights and spacing out while playing a super minimal game?
Then here go!
One of my favorite games, but admittedly the games that came after it are better in pretty much every way. If you like Arcade style racers (Outrun, Pole Position) then this is worth checking out.

If you're coming here just to pay the goofy games, then this is a great time - especially if you have kids from what I've seen.

The "story" mode, or whatever the hell it is supposed to be, is unbearably nonsensical and clunky.

Just come, play some goofy games, and laugh. This is basically what "1, 2, Switch" wanted to be - the modern take on what made wii Sports so popular.

Honestly, as the game continues to update and grow, it's losing the appeal it had for me original - but it's losing it by becoming more complex which may be exactly what you want!

At it's core, this game play is the following.

- Make colonists.
-- Have enough colonists work to get food for everyone.
-- Have enough colonists work to get resources to build and make defense weapons with
-- Have enough colonists to act as defense against the monsters

Running out of ammo? You need more colonists gathering resourses.
Are the colonists hungry? You need more colonists gathering food.
Are your colonists dying? You need more colonists defending.

More and more the game is incorporating upgrades and developments, but at it's core Colony Survival is just balancing resources.

Dynowarz. Let's be honest - the spelling tells you a lot about this game. Its trying so hard to be "cool".... and man, it succeeds in the most "I am a child and love robots and dinosaurs" kind of way.

You play as Professor Proteus, or you control his giant robotic dinosaur, the Cyborasaurus.
There are two forms of gameplay : Proteus and his wonky jump mechanic traversing moving platforms over spikes while avoiding projectiles and jump-n-shooting, or the Cyborasaurus.... walking to the right and using one of the four available weapon types.
The game is fairly short if you don't mind using a few continues in the event you're not paying attention and die, easily finished in well under an hour.
Is this a good game? Eh. Not really.

But is it a fun game? I sure think so. The artwork when you first enter the Cyborasaurus is great looking, the music is a nice texture, and I enjoy shooting things from inside my giant robot dinosaur.

If this came out a few years earlier - it probably would have made some strangely profound change to who I am as a person.
Unfortunately for it, that was Braid that came out in 2009.
Bastion is still a pretty incredible game that is worth that price of admission just to listen to the narrator.

"Ever play Beetle Adventure Racing!?" I was asked in about 2018.

No. Sounds horrible. A racing game I've never heard of on the N64? No doubt in my mind that this game is going to be..... wait this is actually really fun. This was better than it had any right to be.

Are you a sucker for mundane punishment? Do you like Christmas?
Here's your Sisyphusian adventure while you attempt to steer Santa in his sleigh while his slow constantly veers to the side and your only control is to disproportionately force him to aim the other direction.
Left and right, left and right, down the hill, probably for a few seconds at a time.

Good luck and God speed, Santa.

Would have loved to actually have given this a try - but early in it's life it was bogged down and nearly impossible to get into a game, or lagged to hell and back.

aaaaand then it was quickly abandoned by pretty much everyone. Did anyone actually successfully play this?