Dead Space is not my cup of tea. I'm just not into the big, modern, action/adventure style games.
But a rail shooter version? Yeah I can get behind this.
Is it an incredible masterpiece? No.
Is it fun? Absolutely.

Ever play a game and think "THIS is going to be one people will be talking about real soon" and then that never happens?

That's Lost In Shadow, to me.

Fairly simple in mechanics, it's very similar to what I'd imagine a more modern Prince of Persia would be like but with an aesthetic and feel much closer to Ico or Shadow of the Collosus - a kind of dark and tranquil sadness.

I guess it was just too overshadowed by the likes of Braid to make the impact I expected.

The biggest downside is that the combat is very simple, which is fine in and of itself, but there are absolutely segments that I think demanded a better system.

It's Asteroids. Do you like Asteroids? Great, then you're going to like Asteroids. Why? Because it's Asteroids. Asteroids is just Asteroids but with better graphics and arguably smoother controls.

As a very young child, I would make my dad do the slide puzzle at the end for me.

10/10 memory of my dad and a great game for children.

I still think the water looks great.

Otherwise it's Wave Race- a pretty solid racing game. Not many frills but it looked great for the day and it still stands out as a very pretty game.

Pac-Man on the...Atari 2600. It is passable in that it absolutely is Pac-Man- but it is a huge shame because this could have been so much better.

Pac-Man 2: The New Adventures is one of the weirdest spinoff games possible.

You don't get to play Pac-Man. You play as some random viewpoint as you use a slingshot to shoot at things, and give commands and pray to whatever God you believe in that Pac-Man pays attention to you and does what you are trying to tell him to.

And for some reason it's actually pretty fun!

For about 2 days, in maybe 2019, my phone died and I didn't trust just my battery powered alarm clock to get me up for work.

Mario came through and existed in just the right way. It was just another alarm for me to set. But I'm honestly very confused why this even exists.

I feel like this clarification needs to be made.
This is NOT the NES Mega Man 2. This is the Tiger Electronics handheld.
My 4 Star rating is judging it with other similar devices- this is absolutely not a 4 Star compared to the actual game.
It is, however, a 4 Star LCD screen game.

"Ever play Beetle Adventure Racing!?" I was asked in about 2018.

No. Sounds horrible. A racing game I've never heard of on the N64? No doubt in my mind that this game is going to be..... wait this is actually really fun. This was better than it had any right to be.

Did you know that trigintillion was a word? After not opening this game for months, I just looked and I've made $88 Trigintillion.

This is a game I look at maybe twice a year just to watch the numbers go up for a few minutes.
Not really sure I understand the appeal but I also can't get myself to delete it.

I was 12 years old and this game was too childish for me.

Add on mediocre controls for the time in a genre that has aged poorly overall and you have a game that has a very confusing cult fanbase.

Ever play a game, think "this is really awful", and then find out it's universally loved and praised and you're not entirely sure why?

Yeah. That.

After the 2nd or 3rd hour of dialog, I was pretty checked out.
The art style is gorgeous, I'll give it that.

I knew nothing about the controversy. I didn't see the Kickstarter. I didn't know who was involved in the making of this game.

I happened to see a game that looked like a MegaMan ripoff, so sure let's check it out.

And you know what? It's a bit rough, but a lot of fun. It was THEN that I found out the horror story leading up to this game and.... well. I don't blame anyone who was involved in the pre-game mess for being jaded.
But outside of that, I think the game gets too much unwarranted hate carried over from the early mess.

Amnesia is an accurate title. So uninteresting I don't remember a darn thing that happened.