31 Reviews liked by JUndead

Guess I'm a 50 yr old dad with 15 kids. This shit was peak

There is a non-zero chance that Artemis becomes romanceable in the future and that slim possibility is enough for me to say that it's a 10/10 game.

Make way bisexuals, this one is for bisexuals!

cat cafe minigame brought me so much joy + my introduction to puyo puyo

A bit too long for its own good, but out of the three remastered games, this is the one I enjoy the most. Combat’s even further improved, each character gets their own city to explore, and though it ends up being a bit convoluted, I much prefer how each character’s story intersects towards the end compared to Yakuza 4 (though damnit, we should have been able to play Haruka’s concert ourselves…)

i could smell kiryu's cologne mixed with cigarettes during the whole game i swear to you

Majima is just the Joker for people who don't hate women

desafio yumi sawamura falar mais que 10 palavras em um jogo, nivel impossivel

Adhd simulator. I'll be trying to get to a story mission and then I'll misclick and find myself voluntarily watching Majima beat his dick to erotic videos. The distractions in this game range from karaoke to changing the tax system for everyone in Japan. 10/10.

played for kiryu stayed for majima

Who need they crushussy ate?
Omg me.

adventure capitalist but for sad people