This game sucks. Got it like around 8 cents and it was not worth it. The game is very tedious and gets very repetitive over the course of the time playing it. Trust me use your money wisely people.

I loved this game when it was first announced, but then it took ages to come out and by the time it had came it the game was not even fun. Not worth buying honestly.

Very fun game. Need to play it more, but as of now I lack friends to play it with and I am busy with other games.

Very quick game and not a lot of depth involved. Completed the first “story” in like 20 minutes, so this was very disappointing.

This was a very charming and cute game. I loved the way they told the story and it was nice and pleasant. Worth 5 bucks.

Hated how certain characters were locked behind only one event like Toadette just to name an example. The events were not as fun as in last iterations of the franchise as well.

Very charming and relaxing game.

Very great game and love the competitive scene!

Wow what an amazing game! This game has had me hooked from the start and I still love it! This game is super addicting to play and it is worth the money.

The best Pokémon spin-off ever created!

Game was alright l, but I lost interest in it quickly. The drifting in the game is not good and that’s really the only grip I’ve got with it.

Very good game. Dropped it for a bit due to it being difficult and me being stuck, but got back into it and got hooked immediately. This game was worth playing again and I loved it.

I thought I would like this game, but turns out it was too hard. It is fun don't get me wrong just the puzzles are difficult.

Loved this game. Love the amazing voice acting throughout the game and the characters are awesome!