Amazing pc port and a fantastic open world action adventure game.
Jin's story of becoming the ghost was so compelling and makes you feel like a badass when you master the combat in this game. Sucker punch cooked with the art direction and made reach region of the island very unique which made it interesting to explore. Where ever they take this series in the future I will be there and hands down one of the best playstation ips in recent times.

Good shooter bad RPG sums up Fallout 4.

I have one world to describe this game and that is GREATNESS

This is a review of the pc version and my first playthrough of the base game.

Forbidden west is a outstanding game and one of the most enjoyable open world RPGs I've played in recent memory. The world is incredible with interesting lore and things to explore.
The combat has been improved alot with a deeper more interesting skill tree that changes up the gameplay that Zero dawn lacked with its skill tree. The Melee combat is the most thing improved on with combos that are really satisfying. The story might lack that big twist that zero dawn had, but it was still very enjoyable and I liked all the new characters that join Aloy on her Journey.

The performance on pc is amazing and I think Nixxes is one of the best teams Sony has ever purchased. It ran flawlessly for me in the 80 hours I spent with the game which is rare these days on pc.
Overall I would give this game a 9/10 if I had to score it and I am very excited to see where they go in the next game.

I should add that Halo/xbox was very niche in the country I grew up in, so this was the first game I played in the series when it came out. I think the campaign is wonderful and easily one of my favourites in the series. There is amazing set pieces and a compelling story through it. The ending will make you cry its so good.
MP gets alot of hate because of the abilities which I think is fair enough. I'm also not a fan of bloom in shooters, it makes the gunplay less satisfying and rewarding. The maps are great and I love the forge mode so much. Firefight in co-op is some of the most fun turn your brain off gameplay out there, I spent alot of time just listening to music on my 360 while playing it back in the day. I really love this game, it was fun to revisit it again all these years later on pc!

Best game in the series in my opinion.

Just played through it on pc again and I still love it so much. I used a mod called ''BL2 Fix'' that lets you skip dialogue with the press of a button. Made getting to Ultimate vault hunter mode much faster

Replaying this for the first time since 2012.
Its aged better than Yakuza 3 but still has a few issues. The Story gets very messy, honestly confusing most of the time with how much plot twists and betrayals there is.
I do love all the 4 playable characters alot, all have different fighting styles and sub stories that are really good.
Overall its a solid game that takes awhile to get into but once it does, it becomes very fun and enjoyable.

This is a wonderful entry in the franchise. The turn based combat has been improved in every way and I had so much fun playing all the jobs plus the mini games as well. The writing, characters here are fantastic and had me laughing out loud a number of times. There's also a lot of call backs in this game for fans of the Kiryu games which I loved so much.
My only issue with the game is the ending felt very rushed and I didn't like the last boss fight/area all that much.
Still has to be one the best RPGs I've played since Persona 5 and I can't wait to see what RGG does next.

This is a amazing game and hands down one of the best in the series.
The changes to a turn based rpg was a brilliant idea and really gives this series a breath of fresh air. The story is very fun, sad and engaging. I can't recommend it enough and I also can't wait to jump into infinite wealth next.

I can't put it down its a absolute blast to play.
Being a early access game I am very surprised how much there is to do and it runs quite well on my pc. I can't wait to see how it improves and gets added upon in the future.

Assassins creed mirage using the ''Back to its roots'' tag is just nostalgia bait. ''Going back to your roots'' does not excuse dated mission design and Brain dead ai. The combat is AWFUL, It suffers from floaty animations and its so easy. Just parry and press RB to kill someone instantly.
The positives are the stealth is actually a improvement, With multiple ways to get to your target like a Hitman game. The Graphics are stunning and the attention to detail of the city of Baghdad is amazing. I did enjoy the story, its a lot better then Valhalla and It doesn't overstay its welcome being under 30 hours long.

Wonderful gameplay that I couldn't get enough but the story is damaging to the ears.

Didn't play the Single player but I have almost 100 hours in the mp/Zombies. I love it, my favourite cod in along time.