506 Reviews liked by Jamesbuc

"Capitalism breeds innovation" is such a damning lie that it has effectively become a meme in the early 2020s, but it remains true in the past as well. Despite what any pro capitalist will tell you, companies want to make money fast and cheap because business school's don't know how to teach about investment because not caring is just easier to understand. So when Street Fighter II rose to popularity, many companies scrambled to get their pathetic clone out of the same game so they could also make "bank". Fighter's History is literally just a cheap knock off to capitalize on the fighting genre's growing player based in the mid '90s.

Understand that not everything about this game is just a generic Coca-Cola brand knock off, but that personality is few and far in between of what basically amounts to 90% water downed design. There is something to absolutely be said about the various backgrounds that you get to look at, and see just how dynamic there are. As well, a few of the boss characters feel entirely original, and honestly a bit out there. Kefka was not the first clown to bring a knife into the gaming world, but he certainly did it better. Even the story endings feel a little bit different from their Street Fighter II shadows, so there is legitimately some love put into this game to help differ it from it's predecessor.

Sadly tho, the truth of the matter is Fighter's History was and always will be a knock off made on the cheap to sell and capitalize on the growing fighting game community. A lot of the characters feel initially made to look like Street Fighter II's characters so that various grandmas and parents would buy it for their kids birthdays. Add on the fact that Fighter's History just feels playable combat wise is perhaps the worst part about it. There isn't anything intuitive or fun with the combat as a lot of the moves simply aren't balanced along with a lot of the characters. So largely a lot of the fighting comes down to picking your favorite move and spamming it enough to win any given match. Combine that with a lackluster soundtrack that feels like a parody of Street Fighter II's makes for a rather mediocre time if you know any better.

Solid Fighting Game but nothing special either. I like Makoto's Command Grab where she slides to the guys leg to throw him. I always yell "LET ME SWOOCE RIGHT IN" when I do it like in that one Scooby Doo YTP

Edit I meant: Ryoko

So I said I wasn’t gonna write reviews for a bit but this one ain’t gonna be nothing big.

I already don’t like fighting games but this one takes the cake for just completely riffing from Street Fighter completely down to the UI and the literal Chun-Li design ripoff. It is hilarious how dull this game is to play, as most of the characters don’t pop out and the ones with interesting designs like Clown or Zarlov are unplayable.

I played as Jean for this and all I have to say is that the French Revolution was kind of based.

I have a huge crush on Joe. I think he's just dreamy and I hope he gives me flowers and invites me into his hut. Not all that into his friend Mac, though

This is a perfectly adequate platformer. Animations are charming and the cartoon caveman theme is endearing, but there isn't much to make the actual gameplay stand out. The viewport is pretty small, forcing a slower pace to the platforming, and hit detection for combat is a bit finicky. Bosses and level design are fine but not thrilling. Overall this is only worth trying if you're really desperate for SNES platforming.

Not particularly better or worse than 1 honestly. It's far less choppy, which is great. But it definitely feels a bit unfinished, the way it lays itself out makes you think there would be more to it than the original. There's no need for an rpg style world map in a sidescroller with just six levels, honestly. There's also a lot of things you can buy that are completely pointless, like flowers or house remodeling. It genuinely does make me wonder if there was meant to be a lot more to this one than in the final release.

the blob can fly up and across

Playing it was rough, but it has quite the personality.

Beat it with Mister Frosty within a time span of about 30 minutes.

A great platformer with superb music and level design that it's sadly overlooked for it's hilariously dated gross-out humour.

EDIT: I don't know what I was smoking when I wrote that. The level design is indeed good and the music is indeed superb since Matt Furniss is a genius, but the game's execution is so-so. Boogerman is one of those games where the characters is a little too close to the side of the screen and you will scroll into enemies most of the time. It's a shame because with less zoom this would be a pretty solid game.

Despite what it looks like it's a really good platformer. It's quite different in it's humor but it is a competently well made game with nice visuals and animation.

There were two big themes very prevalent in the 90s for various types of media, it was tons of blood and gore and/or copious amounts of gross out humor. I'm not entirely sure who was responsible for the latter, but I'm just gonna go ahead and belch it at Ren & Stimpy, since I enjoy farting in the general direction of John K.

As you could imagine, Boogerman is full of that stuff to the point you'd be surprised it didn't come with a bunch of Earthbound scratch and sniff samples or a wad of green substance inside the Genesis case. If that were true that'd probably be the least demanded sealed in-box collectible. A messy situation for any collector when their item has to bring a faint stench of unkempt porta potty to the bookshelf.

Going in I was expecting this to be completely below-average at best, but not quite unplayable. I'm not entirely sure where my very low opinion came from, I guess I just have such a distaste to the decade I grew up in that I was expecting the worst like Bloodstorm. The eponymous Boogerman is actually fairly well-equipped to deal with situations, having access to an arsenal of booger flicking, disrespectful loogie hocking, belching, farting, etc. The only complaint I have is that Boogerman cannot belch while in the air, but it's rare that really mattered too much as boogie flicking worked well enough. The worst thing is actually the ability to jump on top of enemies, whose hitbox is often very finicky to the point I'm scared to death of the little shitball enemies as you need to be a bit precise with it.

The lame supervillains you fight as bosses are probably the most queasy part, not entirely because of the hillbilly stereotype poking fun at my heritage but because they all attack faster than Contra Hard Corp bosses, and seem to have more mysterious i-frames than bosses from an SNK fighter. They all follow the same strategy of "shoot a thing, move to the other side of the screen, do a thing maybe, move to the other side, repeat". It's simple, but still annoying when the final boss uses attacks that sweep 80% of the screen. I personally want to know how long it took them to come up with "Deoder Ant", because that just makes me nauseous. I'm nauseous.....I'm nauseous....

I was a bit hard on this one when I logged a rating at first, but playing it again it's more endearing than other bullshit that was out. I'd rather flick boogies at people than have to suffer through Bloodstorm and the other garbage edgelord shit coming out at the time.

A Dick and Lick Adventure
A Shit and Brick Adventure
A Peepee Poopoo Adventure

Rubbing my chin and thinking heavily playing this game

North America and Europe did not have many noteworthy SNES releases after the introduction of the PlayStation. There's a few for sure, there's the Kirby games and there's Super Mario RPG, maybe in another timeline we got Star Fox 2 at its intended release date. But mostly, a lot of its final years are just cheaper games to get something out on store shelves quicker. It's a bizarre change after the absolutely insane standard in 1993-95, one that didn't really seem to affect the console's run over in Japan.

Incantation is one such game, a Titus-developed platformer with zero meat on its bones, bosses you'll encounter for three stages in a row, and a rather dull aesthetic. There's really nothing to it, and really just paves the way for more interesting discussions about the decline of the SNES in western regions.

There is a very lousy ending though that I thought was really funny, where the boss dies before its health is fully depleted and it jumpcuts to this ugly ass endscreen and locks itself up. I looked through multiple longplays to see if this was some dumb joke or false ending or something, but they all ended like this. Tittus had no fucking idea what to do there and it's amusing how blatant it is. Rushed out for a quick buck.

Asteroids is an interesting game and I thought it was alright, but much like a lot of the games on this system, it is an inferior version to the arcade versions. I did have some fun with it, though.