Almost decent fighting game here thanks to a series of interesting move set and a surprisingly deep story but its all hampered by some severe balancing issues and while the idea of having Emerl as a custom fighter where you can mix and match moves is a nice one, it boils down to a lot of grinding for exp and luck based move drops and thats never fun when all you want to do is move on with the plot.

Its fine... I guess. Theres honestly so many better and more accurate ways to play the Pac-man series though.

Honestly Mad Max starts off very strong. Its full of action, life, exploration and its incredibly fun... but then the map opens up a bit more and you suddenly realise its already shown you everything it has in the first few hours and from that point on its a sheer slog of deserts, trading posts, camps and other metal structures that all look the same and act the same as each other leading to an attack of the boredoms long before the game even reaches its middle act.

I honestly forgot this game existed until recently and I wish I hadn't. Its just a very dull and slow platformer that feels completely lacking in the personality department as you skate from flat street to flat office block as the same couple of snoozeworthy songs lull you into a coma.

Time to put as much effort into this review as the developer did in making this game.


This game is dumb. Sure, hidden object games usually have some level of dumb to them but this takes it to a whole unintentionally comedic level as even getting the most basic of things requires a whole smorgasbord of puzzles to reach.

You want that quarter? You better ransack an old ladys home, an alleyway and three other areas to get to it because apparently New York has a real coin deficit these days.

Outside of the dumb logic... its rather basic. In fact if it wasnt for the dumb logic, I wouldnt even bother talking about it. Oh well.

Cute for all of five minutes until you realise each minigame requires you to do the exact same things 101 times to make any form of progress. Its just boring.

Nani-no. This FNAF clone is sheer trash and an exercise in sanity. Avoid at all costs.

Most TV show game spinoffs suck horribly and when it comes to reality tv based games, you usually are looking REALLY at that bottom of the bin here. Surprisingly... Top Chef somehow manages to avert this.

Ok dont get me wrong, its not a great game by any means, the animation can be a bit stiff and the gameplay basically is a series of quite repetitive 'dash' style timing maneuvers but its clearly been made with some thought.

This is mostly thanks to the occasional scoring quirk where you not only have to combo dishes together, but you have to make sure you use ingredients that compliment each other to gain bonuses. Its basic but effective, even though sometimes your end meal can be a spinach salad with spinach leaves and a spinach sauce... But thats not the point.

So yeah. Casual breezy fun that'll be a nice aside for fans of the series but anyone wanting something a bit more serious should look elsewhere

I really dont get all the high praise this game gets. Its buggy, its messy, its full of game-breaking mechanics and barely follows the actual rules of Yu-Gi-Oh as a whole. Just no.

This game is gold to play multiplayer. Its fast, frantic and full of clever strategies. Single player though? No. Single player feels nowhere as fun or as enjoyable.

I wish I liked this game I really do, the pixel art looks superb, the combat controls are snappy and precise and the story sounds promising but it then leans far too hard into its MMO roots and throws countless fetch quests, loot drop and general grind at you to the point where it's hard to want to continue for long. Very frustrating.

Just kinda drab. Its fun occasionally but its just lacking enough polish to make it feel fun.

Wish there was a lot more to this either through game mechanics or through visual flair. At its core its a little too basic with the main mechanic being balancing a ball into various lit holes while avoiding other holes.

Lococyle is a game of contradictions. Its got supposedly skilled writers and voice actors and yet the plot sucks and the voice acting is trash. The file size is huge suggesting a big game full of content but nope, its the same few things over and over and its over with very soon.

Despite that the game still feels like its a lot longer thanks to dragged out missions and repetitive gameplay. Congrats. You made 5 minutes feel like 15. Now go be a better game.