Honestly Mad Max starts off very strong. Its full of action, life, exploration and its incredibly fun... but then the map opens up a bit more and you suddenly realise its already shown you everything it has in the first few hours and from that point on its a sheer slog of deserts, trading posts, camps and other metal structures that all look the same and act the same as each other leading to an attack of the boredoms long before the game even reaches its middle act.

This unfortunately was my first proper game I bought as a kid with my hard earned pocket money. I saw Simpsons and went 'YES' and oh boy I regretted every moment leading up to that point. This game is just a shitcan mess in every manner possible.

Graphics are ugly, blocky and every single character comes off as messy and deformed. The music is painful and each character speeds through looped catchphrases like a broken talking toy.

But then you get the gameplay, good lord the gameplay. Wrestling isnt really in this game, instead most of the game is spent spamming clunky badly animated attacks everywhere and hoping for the best. Theres rarely rhyme or reason as to when or if hits land. Just... Bleh

It may be vaugely fun if you happen to be drunk and playing with friends but so is jumping through tables loaded with pushpins and id rather do that then play this sorry excuse for a fighting game ever again.

Just kinda drab. Its fun occasionally but its just lacking enough polish to make it feel fun.

Almost decent fighting game here thanks to a series of interesting move set and a surprisingly deep story but its all hampered by some severe balancing issues and while the idea of having Emerl as a custom fighter where you can mix and match moves is a nice one, it boils down to a lot of grinding for exp and luck based move drops and thats never fun when all you want to do is move on with the plot.

Time to put as much effort into this review as the developer did in making this game.


As a story it isnt too bad and the art style is cute and occasionally intresting but the whole thing just lacks any real spark. Its fine if you want to while away a couple of lazy hours acting as if you were reading a book but quite frankly if I wanted to read a book, I would have done so. Theres not enough detail in the plotting or the gameplay itself to really make it worth going through unless you really want a quiet slow night.

Original Gods I gave 1.5. This gets half a star simply because of some of the quality of life fixes such as saving. Thankfully the game lets you switch between the new and old graphics because holy hell the 'Remastered' graphics are honestly painful to look at.

Wish there was a lot more to this either through game mechanics or through visual flair. At its core its a little too basic with the main mechanic being balancing a ball into various lit holes while avoiding other holes.

I honestly forgot this game existed until recently and I wish I hadn't. Its just a very dull and slow platformer that feels completely lacking in the personality department as you skate from flat street to flat office block as the same couple of snoozeworthy songs lull you into a coma.

I wish I liked this game I really do, the pixel art looks superb, the combat controls are snappy and precise and the story sounds promising but it then leans far too hard into its MMO roots and throws countless fetch quests, loot drop and general grind at you to the point where it's hard to want to continue for long. Very frustrating.

Eh. On the Xbox360 this game was quickly churned out as a criticism of the xbox360 dashboard which at the time was a flipping mess and the sheet amount of ads and nonsense cluttering the UI made it difficult to find games properly.

As such it was released for the minimum price they could get away with and it's pretty static, dull and one note. Without the context on its PC version it just doesn't really warrant touching.

Its... Just awful. The gameplay is next to none-existant which normally wouldnt be too bad as this is supposed to be a visual novel style game... Except theres no real visuals to speak of outside of muddy greys on whites.

The story is also awful, pretentious and just not fun as it just makes you want to slap every single character involved in the story for being so uppity and whiny. Its just bad.

This game is dumb. Sure, hidden object games usually have some level of dumb to them but this takes it to a whole unintentionally comedic level as even getting the most basic of things requires a whole smorgasbord of puzzles to reach.

You want that quarter? You better ransack an old ladys home, an alleyway and three other areas to get to it because apparently New York has a real coin deficit these days.

Outside of the dumb logic... its rather basic. In fact if it wasnt for the dumb logic, I wouldnt even bother talking about it. Oh well.

After a few dud titles, heres another proving that Her Interactive can pull out a decent title and this is mostly down to finally being able to mix the more edutainment segments with everything in a more seamless manner. Overall plot and puzzles are fun and again, like the fourth game, theres nothing here that'll bowl you over but as a cozy short adventure, it ticks all the boxes.