Super Mario Wonder is genuinely, most likely my favorite 2D Mario now, standing right next to Yoshi's island. So many little details are stuffed into the game, that you could tell it was made by longtime Mario fans. The animation; stellar, the platforming; smooth as butter, and the uniqueness and variety of the worlds, enemies and more is the most fresh 2D Mario has been in over 20 years. Gone are the days of Mario playing it safe and "vanilla," with new voice actors at the helm, they all deliver great new representations of the beloved characters. I 100% it and I immediately want to do it again. Anyone who's a fan of Mario, or platformers in general owes it to themselves to play this masterpiece of a game. The future of Mario is immeasurably exciting, and I can't wait to see what comes next.

Lies of P is the first souls-like I beat that has Fromsoft-esque gameplay, almost to a T. The story is a very unique take on Pinocchio, and the lore/developments kept me hooked throughout the entirety of my 40 hrs with it. The way it's told makes me more invested compared to the souls series games, in general. Much replayability with the weapon variety, allowing you to tailor your experience to your preferences. The OST was a huge highlight, too. If this type of game is your jam, I can't recommend it enough. I can't wait for whatever the studio brings next.

Mr. Coo is a very short and amazingly animated point and click puzzle adventure that has a very surreal premise and artistry. The backgrounds on display are gorgeous and the ost is very catchy, as well. However, the game does not run the best, at least on switch, and I experienced two crashes in my time playing. I'd wait for a patch, or play it on PC, but I would very much recommend this game if you like point and clicks or beautifully animated games.

Donkey Kong '94 is the best game boy game ever made. I've only ever played Mario VS DK which is this game's sequel, but honestly, I think this one is either just as good or even better. Plenty of level variety, gimmicks never overstay their welcome, and super fluid controls/platforming. A great puzzle platformer everyone should try out! Hopefully it comes to NSO as well!

Spyro 3 was the one I've spent the least with as a kid. I made it past the 1st world and then I just draw a blank. I think as a whole, there's a bit too many mechanics going on in terms of the challenges, but the characters, world and premise was a treat. The sorceress is a step down from Ripto, but Bianca, Sheila, Sgt Byrd, Bentley and Agent 9 were great new additions. It's still well worth your time, but for me, I'd have to say it might be the weakest in the trilogy.

I legitimately believe F-Zero 99 is one of the best racing games I've ever played. This is coming from someone who's only played a handful of SNES and GX when I was younger, and found it too difficult. This is not Mario Kart. F-Zero is a racer that focuses on pure skill and knowledge of the tracks. It's the perfect fit for the 99 formula, with a bit of luck and skill, even more casual players have a chance to score in the higher numbers. The game might be based on the SNES version, but it looks super polished and clean, and even adds certain aspects from future games in the series. It has such an addicting formula compared to most 99 games, where you'll never know what to expect compared to going through the motions of something like Pac-man 99. It's always the "just one more." If this is Nintendo gauging interest in a new F-zero, making it free and in the 99 formula was a good call. I'm really excited for the hopeful future of the series.

Spyro 2 was the only Spyro game I've played when I was younger, and I adored it. Fitting that I'd finish the reignited version on the series' 25th anniversary. It's very special to me, with a great ost, refined visuals in reignited, and more. I don't like some of the design changes with some of the hub characters, but for the most part, they're solid. A great, classic 3D Collectathon experience, worth any classic PS fan's time.

Gravity Circuit was a very good spiritual successor to mega man x, and I'd say in some aspects, it does even better than the game it's inspired by. Great pixel art, smooth as butter controls, and combat that is mainly focused on hand-to-hand and gaining abilities/passive buffs. The soundtrack's pretty memorable, and while the story is fairly simple, it's fun to play along with. Give the game a shot!

Sea of stars... Might just be one of my favorite RPG's of all time. Taking inspiration from the likes of Chrono Trigger, Mario RPG, and even Golden Sun, it modernizes the most crucial aspect of those series and makes a modern-day throwback masterpiece. Being a fan of their previous work, The Messenger, and with this game being a prequel to it, it will enhance your experience to the biggest degree. So many callbacks, references and more for those looking for it. To get nitpicks out of the way, the beginning starts a bit slow but ramps up fairly quickly, and battles could use a run and maybe a defend option. A mini-map could've helped in some cases as well. Battles play out like puzzles, and have timed hits ala Mario RPG and Superstar Saga. Very satisfying to pull off different team combos with party members ala Chrono Trigger. The story had me in its hooks as it went along, starting off fairly vanilla but eventually ramping up to the point I was on the edge of my seat. The game also has some of the most masterful pixel art I've ever seen. I could take a screenshot and frame it for any area of the game. But my favorite part was the music. Holy hell, what amazing tracks that rainbowdragoneyes one-upped himself on since the Messenger. I'm so happy to have backed this game. I will support sabotage studios' any and all future endeavors. An amazing turn-based RPG experience for any RPG fan out there.

I have minor nostalgia with Jet Set Radio, and I'm going to remedy that by finishing them, but Bomb Rush Cyberfunk was freaking amazing. Once I learned the controls, I was schmoovin, jamming to the music, pulling off tricks and learning about the interesting story. Gaining rep against adversaries in battles and missions is the main gameplay focus, and I do believe they could change this up a bit in future* sequels. Another improvement I could see is changing up how boards, skates and Bmx differ from each other, gameplay-wise. Once you learn one, you've learned them all. Regardless of those minor gripes, this game is a treat, and can see myself coming back to it just to play in the world. Kudos to team reptile, and you've got yourself a fan in me eyeing both your new and old releases.

Time to finally log Street Fighter 6. After about a 100 hrs with it, AND it being one of the first traditional 2D fighters I've invested myself in, I love it. It's perfect for newcomers, has crazy style, looks gorgeous, and so many more positives. I think the only thing that could be a bit more memorable is the soundtrack. I mained my boy Ken for a majority of those hours, and even learned how to properly use a fight stick. Street fighter 6 has opened my taste to more traditional 2d fighters, and there's so many more I wanna check out, both old and new. I think I'll always remember this game, Capcom really knocked it out of the park with this one.

This is the most beginner friendly Pikmin game to date. So many QOL updates and ways to ease people into the series if they've never played before. It was also the longest main story in the series to date clocking me in at 24 hrs for 100% prior to postgame. Every Pikmin type in the entire series is utilized, and there's so many callbacks and references to previous games that had me pointing and oooing at the screen. It is also one of the most beautiful games on the console. I do believe it's also the easiest, and I do hope they add difficulty options down the line for replays. I really do feel this game is a perfected version of pikmin 2. All in all, after almost a decade wait, Pikmin 4 is finally here and I can easily recommend people to buy and support it. It might even be my favorite in the series.

(SNES NSO Replay) Been awhile since I replayed the 1st game, this time in under 2 hrs without save states! It's still so amazing to me what Rare brought with this series, the graphics for Snes were unfathomable back in the day. The soundtrack's still great, but it doesn't top tropical freeze or 2 for me. We all need more Donkey kong in our lives.

Every Pikmin game is distinct from one another. Some people don't like the caves in pikmin 2, some do. Playing it for the first time with this up-res port, I fall in the latter. It exchanges the 1st game's time limit for harder difficulty and collectible treasures. Some of the final caves are no joke if you're going for 100%! I love the new Pikmin types with purple and white, purple is definitely OP in some areas. The game looks gorgeous for one of the final GCN games, the the Pikmin AI was HEAVILY improved over the 1st. With this, I've beaten every Pikmin game yet, and I'm extremely excited for 4. Support the series!

I never finished the original Pikmin back on GCN because I was too young to comprehend most of it at the time. I finally remedied that with the rerelease of it. It's great! You can definitely see some of the older aspects of the series, AI isn't as good as later in the series, and it's very short. The music is atmospheric, and it looks pretty good for a launch GCN game. The story is simple, but hooks you with a sense of urgency and need to collect your ship parts within a 30 day limit. All in all, a great time. Support the Pikmin series!