10 Reviews liked by Jarmindo




So many people calling it a masterpiece set my expectations very high and the game did not meet them, but I still really really enjoyed it!

It was also a pretty fun platinum.



Estava empolgado pra conhecer esse jogo dps de muitas pessoas falarem bem, porém achei bem chato. Ele é um jogo que deixa vc explorar e descobrir o caminho por si só. Vc vai descobrindo diversos mapas e como se guiar por eles por si só, e nisso é bem criativo. Quando você descobre algumas mecânicas ou atalhos é bem interessante. Porém achei tanto explorar quanto o combate meio chato, ou seja: descobrir as coisas é bem legal, mas o processo de explorar até chegar nessa descoberta é sem graça. Joguei bastante, mas cansei.

Painful. This game wasn't finished, I refuse to believe it was. Not only did I have multiple crashes, the game is absolute dogshit. It is braindead to the point of boredom with some of the most frustrating yet soul crushingly boring gameplay I've ever experienced. There are no combos, no anything. There is nothing to this game at all. The final boss is completely shit, well all the bosses are but the final one is the nugget of corn on the shit cake that is this fucking game. Fuck this game. I will NEVER touch this shit again. - 2022

It is a good idea from the narrative point of view, but the gamification of real jobs is very hard to nail down in a way that fits the storytelling, or is fun and/or engaging  (papers please may be the only successful example I can think of). Even with a large degree of poetic license and suspension of disbelief, what you do here is essentially a sequence of quick time events (where you just have to press a specific button at the right time), which can be fun in some sequences (in action games for example), but when it's all you do for 8h, it's hard to keep me engaged.

The story brings some fascinating topics in how mainstream media is able to shape the way news are presented while also maintaining "impartiality", however the comedy is so slapstick, that I felt it was a little too much, and took me away from some of the more interesting topics that it was trying to convey.

It's like if you made DOOM but tried to make it the most obnoxious game ever.

Shinada and Takasugi GOAT of this game

I don't know what they were thinking with magnet beam.
A good game

sorry babe cant fuck rn busy playing peak

Wannabe Hades gameplay with vomit-flavored presentation