Excellent game! That said, I've seen people hype it up a lot in comparison to Triple Deluxe, and honestly I think they were pretty similar quality-wise. Just a fun, solid Kirby game. Nothing too special, but I did like it a lot.

Just a fun, innovative Pokemon game. I loved the exploring and the catching mechanics. I do think the gameplay could be a little slow at times-- and that there could have been more battles, but I really liked it overall. The story was awesome, as were the characters. Wish there was more Pokemon variety, though. I'd loved to have seen more Pokemon that weren't in the original Sinnoh dex.

Legends Arceus sets a great precedent, and I'd love to see more Legends games like it in the future.

Honestly... for all its flaws, I absolutely LOVE Pokemon Scarlet. I was delighted the entire time I played. I kept laughing giddily and saying stuff like "I can't believe this is a Pokemon game." The open-world aspect is fantastic, and the story is wonderful... definitely a jump up from Gen 8's. I very much enjoyed the new Pokemon, too-- although I wasn't big on any of the starters.

I understand that it's a buggy game. But the core gameplay loop and story work, and that's what's important to me. Bugs can be fixed later, whereas those other elements can't, really... and that's why it beats out Sword and Shield in my mind. It was just FUN TO PLAY, and hopefully the issues will be fixed with time.

That said, I don't appreciate the crunch Gamefreak is under. This game should have been allowed more time in the cooker, that way it could have been even better. They shouldn't have had to choose between a fun/ambitious game and a glitchless game in the first place. But I appreciate what they did with the time they had. I think they made something really, really wondeful.

My only complaint is that the environments are a little samey and there's not much to do in the postgame. Overall, though, I loved it, and I hope the series continues to go in this direction... at least with regards to its gameplay. The development cycle aspect could 100% use some work.

Mixed feelings on this one. Objectively, I think it's actually a pretty great game. It has that Mario flare, personality, and life. But I also think this game just made me realize... I don't actually really like Mario games-- at least not platformers. I didn't personally have fun with it, but I think if a good ol' Mario experience is what you're looking for, then you'll love it!

I was pleasantly surprised by just how much I liked this one! It seems 2D Kirby has come a long way since I last played it as a kid. I loved the foreground and background exploration, even if I never actually felt the desire to use the 3DS's 3D capabilities. The story was fun, and I love Sectonia and Taranza... although I'm not a big fan of 'pause screen lore' and how it's implemented. It's too easy to miss. Dededetour was an awesome extra game mode, and absolutely a way to spice things up as opposed to just doing Metaknightmare again. Great game overall! My favorite copy ability was Beetle.

Singlehandedly got me back into Kirby. A FANTASTIC game. The environments are amazing, the puzzles are fun, and the world is all around CHARMING. An EXCELLENT jump to 3D. I loved the lore it dropped and the characters it introduced. It's so, so much fun to play. It was especially difficult for me because I didn't realize there was a dodge mechanic, but that's alright. It added some extra spice to my Kirby experience.

This game gets a lot of flack, but quite frankly... I loved it! The environments are super fun to interact with and the levels are perfectly bite-sized. It was a Kirby game I actually felt motivated to 100% because I could so easily go back and try again when I messed up a puzzle. I miss the Animal copy ability every day. Bring her back.

I probably enjoyed it more than I should have just because I was playing and battling with a friend and that added an air of competitive spirit to it, but I had an awesome time. Despite its quirks, playing Pokemon Blue made me even more thankful for it managing to establish the series I know and love.

Every bit as awesome as I remember it being as a kid. I know it's talked up a lot, but for good reason. This is exactly how a RPG should play.