Crack Down 1989

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

March 21, 2022

Platforms Played


(sega mega drive & genesis classics 41/58)

Reminds me of Gain Ground in some ways, though I slightly prefer this one. Lots of ideas I'm pretty fond of here, although the execution is a bit questionable. I really don't care for how the screen is laid out, for example. Your line of view is only like a quarter of the screen, and I don't quite see how this couldn't have been extended in one player mode. I can't really argue with it on two player, but like..I dunno, man. It just seems unnecessary to fill that space with an enemy list when you're alone. It's also just kind of ugly looking, though again less so than similar game Gain Ground. I think if you like one of these, you'll like the other. I found them both to be eh but liked the ideas and potential I saw.