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June 17, 2022

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doubel dragon 3 review

ookay so think of like. fucjking, the worst beatemup you can think of. if your anwser was double dragon 3 (or clfifhanger ) you' re probably right on t arget becaus;e i dont know fuck how this was put in arcade cabniets and then on store shelv,es. the arcade game uses like microtransations and shit to get ex;tra lives and better abilities and more health and all that kidn of stuff and its like ok i think these should be by default already it's alkready piss hard and hit detection almost feels random and everyone takes a biollion years to kill. its completely ridiculus and actually just feels like dog ashit all around its only 5 levels olong but it feels like it was designed by aliens i dont fuckig get it its like unacceptabel arcade games are already quarter muncher bullhshit but this is extortion thi sis like obscene dude gheyre not even trying to hide it

i played the genesuis version so i didnt have to deal with the microntransactions but all the other problems are still present its just a completely terible experience and it p[sises me off immensely .dougle dragon 3 is a complete waste of time and air and i played it bc i thought it wuold be funny and it wasn;t particularly at all i was just kind of wowed by how bad it is you should not try it im going to go to asleep now