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Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

May 28, 2021

Platforms Played


(sega mega drive and genesis classics 36/58)

Heh, remember when I was doing these? It's not exactly dead, just not a high priority rn. A lot of remaining stuff is just far more daunting.

Here's one I shelved ultimately. I think about halfway through? It's got a cute little style for sure, I enjoyed the characters' antics in earlier cutscenes, but the game itself is very long, very grindy, and oh, so very monotonous. I guess that's how early dungeon crawlers are? Is what I would think to myself but apparently the grinding here is not just a problem to me alone.

I dunno. I was initially going to finish it but it's eight months since i last played and i don't quite have,, any desire to continue. I think it's time I just finally push this one out of the way. I wanted to like this more than I do, and I definitely wanted to finish it at first. But ajkfhjekrrw