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January 20, 2024

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It seems that much like The Terminator on SNES, Terminator 2 on SNES is also lumped in with a different game on IGDB. This review is for the Bits Studios game, whereas the SNES port of the arcade version was released as T2: The Arcade Game.

This is probably one of the worst to ever do it. One of those games so half-assed and obscenely unfun that it makes you wonder how it got released in the state it's in, but unfortunately as we've previously learned from Bits Studios' other titles such as Wolverine: Adamantium Rage and GunForce, this is kind of just a thing they had a knack for.

Gameplay alternates between sidescrolling kinda-sorta-run-and-gun levels and driving segments in between. The driving in particular is just hateful, even with a grasp of how it works (which I only gained about a minute before I was ready to ditch the game entirely) it is still dreadfully unresponsive and unintuitive. Sometimes the directions provided aren't even helpful, so I had to follow a video verbatim each time a driving segment began, constantly tabbing in and out of the game. Sidescrolling sections really don't fare much better, with the T-800's leisurely pace and near inability to jump combined with unending swarms of enemies and a couple of escort missions.

Up until the final level, there are merely two indistinguishable songs during the whole game. I can't even begin to understand this. Maybe you'd expect a gripe of the same sort with a basic puzzle game, but an action game with 8 stages? Did they run out of time? Were they too lazy to compose more songs?

Despite joking around about it in the previous review, I figured from the start that this would be a weaker effort than Gray Matter's Terminator game on the console. I did not figure it would be this much weaker. Very plausibly in the bottom 5 of all games I've completed, though I've never taken the time to rank them like that. Despite what my profile and rating curve on here might indicate, I do in fact prefer to ruminate more on things that are cool and things that are good.