Vectorman 1995

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

June 15, 2022

First played

April 23, 2021

Platforms Played


Recently I played through Jurassic Park Rampage Edition and Spider-Man: Web of Fire, also by Blue Sky. They're honestly pretty bad, mostly due to screen crunch and bad level design mixed together. When I thought about it though, I remembered that being an issue in these two games as well despite liking them before. Figured I would revisit them to see if my opinion has changed significantly.

Well, it didn't grow off as much as I expected it to. It has the same problems as the aforementioned two games but a big difference is it's actually decently fun at its core. Presentation also bumps this up a good amount, there's lots of really incredible lighting going on all throughout, most notably in Arctic Ridge and Nightscape. It reuses the first level's assets a lot of times for some reason, which is kind of weird, but with new and exciting backgrounds to mostly make up for it. I really like looking at this game, and I'm quite glad replaying it wasn't as bad as I expected it to be.

One thing I really don't care for though is these very brief stages such as Metalhead and Rock 'n Roller, which despite being really simple once you know what you're doing are at first very unintuitive and weird. It would be nicer probably to have them go on a bit longer but starting with some new smaller enemies or something to ease you in a bit, instead of throwing you right into a big menacing guy who plows through your health.

Also, Warhead is way too easy of a final boss? I kind of just fiddled about this time and he was dead before I had lost any lives. The boss two stages prior is a lot more difficult and frustrating. I'm not sure which of these two is a bigger issue, maybe they're both just not very good bosses.

(sonic's ultimate genesis collection 8/40)

Whats up with this guy