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April 5, 2022

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Could not complete after a decent effort. I've sat through harder for sure, but like, everything going on here is not tolerable enough for me to proceed. It isn't bad in like a funny way like the games I have rated lower, it really is just,, so fucking terrible.

Wolverine is just lousy here. He slides around like he's on ice all the time and his main jump is this measly somersault that doesn't go high up whatsoever and usually directs you into some sort of enemy or hazard. He has a much better second jump, but you always have to duck before you use it, and with all the enemies up on your ass it doesn't feel like there's time to do that. It's also a chore to hit anything even with several attacks. The kick is basically useless, you'll mostly be sticking to punching and scratching. But even then it seems like there's only a certain sweet spot on every enemy, and with Wolverine sliding around like a jackass at the slightest movement he'll just constantly be back and forth missing and shit while enemies just hack away at him without issues.

You slowly regenerate health, as Wolverine does, so that's a good thing to have undoubtedly. But by slowly, I mean like, REALLY slowly. You'd think to yourself "big deal, just fast forward, right?" For some reason there's a fucking invisible time limit too, though! So you can't afford to wait around as much as you'd like at all, even when you think you can early on. It's a stupid fucking trick, and while I would say they should just have the time limit visible at all times, truthfully there just shouldn't be one to begin with.

Another mechanic that somehow gets fucked up hard is literally just progressing through levels. What you do is kill a certain amount of enemies, displayed in the corner, and then you can leave. Simple, right? Well some of them don't fucking count!! You have to just slash everything like a jackass to find out which ones do! And as previously stated it's pretty fucking annoying killing things at all bc of how Wolverine moves to begin with.

You see how much shit is on display here? It's fucking obscene, isn't it? The thing is it truly has potential, with a good few tweaks it could at least be decent, but they fucked it up beyond belief. How is beyond me. I really did make an attempt to pull through, even if it started as just for kicks, but I honest to god could not. It may not seem like it from some of the things I play, but I have my limits, man. It's damn near unplayable.