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12 hrs ago

3 days ago

Jerg4n finished Spelunky

6 days ago

6 days ago

7 days ago

Jerg4n reviewed Citizen Sleeper
So many moments from this game just feel etched into my mind. I can vividly recall the tension of difficult choices and connection I felt to the world and characters and really it's all because of the incredible writing and music. The entire game is basically menuing and reading but I felt more connected and immersed to Citizen Sleeper than I do to most other games I've played. This might be the push that gets me back into reading books again.

11 days ago

Jerg4n finished Citizen Sleeper
So many moments from this game just feel etched into my mind. I can vividly recall the tension of difficult choices and connection I felt to the world and characters and really it's all because of the incredible writing and music. The entire game is basically menuing and reading but I felt more connected and immersed to Citizen Sleeper than I do to most other games I've played. This might be the push that gets me back into reading books again.

11 days ago

Jerg4n reviewed Not for Broadcast
Just incredibly funny. There's so many fun characters and amusing outcomes for them. The story can get quite serious at times but the comedy is just top notch. In terms of "game" the novelty of managing a live broadcast is very fun but it starts wearing off quite early. The amount of choices and how much those choices can affect the entire game is very impressive though.

12 days ago

Jerg4n finished Not for Broadcast
Just incredibly funny. There's so many fun characters and amusing outcomes for them. The story can get quite serious at times but the comedy is just top notch. In terms of "game" the novelty of managing a live broadcast is very fun but it starts wearing off quite early. The amount of choices and how much those choices can affect the entire game is very impressive though.

12 days ago

Jerg4n is now playing Citizen Sleeper

13 days ago

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