66 reviews liked by Jiggle

max is so depressed and horny lmao he's literally me

I can't believe that I was so scared to play this game xD

To the reviewers; try not to be harsh to this game, sure was a vibe back in the day, and it is created great memories from a simpler time...

Many people think Vice City is the better GTA, mostly because of the more variety in missions, more memorable characters, an involved plot etc. That's all great, but does Vice City have a Radio Station that plays Opera? Yeah, that's what I thought.

you KNOW it's bad when it makes assassin's creed look like a fun game.

I ate an ungodly amount of Subway so I could play the multiplayer beta. I have no regrets

Rest in piece James McCaffrey. Man's performance made these games what they were.

Surprised this game wasn't more renown, the PvP is memorable and I had a lot of fun playing it with my sister back in the day. I remember reading all the Spy vs Spy segments in the Mad TV magazines.

Most pleasant game of the year. Puzzle-solving is just as enjoyable as the first game but now with a more engaging story since I'm not a nerd who likes getting all my story through in-game text logs. I really loved traversing the serene environments and chatting with my chill robotic companions about philosophy between puzzles. It did generally feel easier than the first game but I thought it was a good level for my peanut brain that kept things clever without getting frustrating.