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Jimbleish reviewed Resident Evil 5
This is an awful Resident Evil game but it's an amazing co-op action game. This game just throws so much zany shit at you that kept me and my friend laughing our asses off the entire time. Supervillain UI Wesker is one of the funniest characters in fiction. The gameplay is really solid as it's just a streamlined RE4 but co-op. Like I stated before my only real gripes with the game is how shoddy the PC port can be at times and that it doesn't really feel like a Resident Evil game tonally.

11 days ago

Jimbleish finished Resident Evil 5
This is an awful Resident Evil game but it's an amazing co-op action game. This game just throws so much zany shit at you that kept me and my friend laughing our asses off the entire time. Supervillain UI Wesker is one of the funniest characters in fiction. The gameplay is really solid as it's just a streamlined RE4 but co-op. Like I stated before my only real gripes with the game is how shoddy the PC port can be at times and that it doesn't really feel like a Resident Evil game tonally.

11 days ago

11 days ago

Jimbleish finished Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward
Way better than Realm Reborn on basically every front. The story was finally at a good enough point where I didn't just mash/skip dialog and actually got a little invested. The pacing dips in the last quarter when trying to get to Azys Lla but is otherwise great with interesting gameplay or content. The final fight with the knights was really fucking cool.

11 days ago

Jimbleish backloggd Pokengine

13 days ago

Jimbleish backloggd PokéRogue

14 days ago

Jimbleish played Resident Evil 5
This is an awful Resident Evil game but it's an amazing co-op action game. This game just throws so much zany shit at you that kept me and my friend laughing our asses off the entire time. Supervillain UI Wesker is one of the funniest characters in fiction. The gameplay is really solid as it's just a streamlined RE4 but co-op. Like I stated before my only real gripes with the game is how shoddy the PC port can be at times and that it doesn't really feel like a Resident Evil game tonally.

14 days ago

Jimbleish is now playing Resident Evil 5

14 days ago

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