Batman: Arkham Knight is an amazing game but with tons of missteps and missed potential. In many ways this is the apex of the series with probably the best Batman has felt, some really great side quests, and a great Batman story. Like my god the ending with the Joker was amazing but in order to get to all of these great things there's soo much padding and CAR. LIKE THERES SO MUCH BATMOBILE. The Batmobile is fun to control but it never feels implemented in fully satisfying or coherent ways. For general traversal just gliding is better and in missions it just feels like you're always hitting a roadblock until you open a door for your car or something.
This game reveals who the most insidious Batman villain is and no its no the Joker its the FUCKING RIDDLER. LOCKING THE GAMES TRUE ENDING BEHIND GETTING EVERY RIDDLER TROPHY IS GENUINLY THE WORST DECISION EVER. Imagine if in order to get the true ending of BOTW you had to get ever Korok Seed and shrine and so on. Thankfully it's just a cutscene so I just looked it up after but it's so demoralizing having done literally every other side quest and DLC in the game only for it to be "Riddle me this Batman where do you keep your Little Caesars and lukewarm water?" 200 times to get the true ending.
The writing is also all over the place at times. For every great moment like the Joker scene at the end there's the mishandling of Red Hoods character and it just leaves an inconsistent story with high highs and low lows. I wish there was more Scarecrow as despite being the main antagonist of this game and always stealing the show when on screen in both this and Asylum, he just feels so underutilized.
I think I would have liked this game more than I did City if this game just had a little more focus on what it wanted to do and less padding with Car and Riddler and random militia outpost.

This is that one 2 out of 10 that I am ride or die for just because of the circumstances of when I played.
A couple years ago, me and a friend streamed this game on Twitch and I had accidentally forgot to get the translated rom but I decided to roll with it anyway because I thought it was funnier. The entire game was me playing and my friend frantically trying to translate and walk me through whatever freaky FE1 shit was happening. Neither of us knew Japanese so every time we got a new character we just made up the name on the spot which led to lots of hilarity. We never used save states and we rolled with the permadeath which really allowed the game to shine whenever a character would die and suddenly we had lost "Eminem our best mage."
I will never forget when one time on some random map my army suddenly got jumped by near infinite ambush reinforcements and my only option was to run some random mage who I had named Fumo all the way over to Marth and emergency warp staff (which had unlimited range in FE1) him to the capture point and just barely making it out before even more of my army died. I was also raided by a friend who is a much bigger streamer so for like 2 minutes I was the #1 Fire Emblem streamer on Twitch which is kinda chill. Probably one of my favorite gaming experiences in my entire life and I couldn't read a single thing.

This was how I first beat Mario 64. I know it's a bit cheating because it completely changes how the game is played but it made me fall in love with Mario 64, a game I usually otherwise dislike.
The mod as of the time writing this is fantastic. It features 3 playable characters being Mega Man X, First Armor X, and Vile with each of them being completely faithful in how they feel to their main series counterparts. The attention to detail with each of their move sets is astonishing, with First Armor X and Vile feeling ripped straight out of Maverick Hunter X.
Genuinely one of the best mods for a video game ever and my preferred way of playing SM64 from now on. The movement just feels that good. I hope the Dev continues to add more as I'd love to see Zero, Axl, and X's other armors one day if possible.

Very solid Metroidvania and an impressive GBA launch title, Circle of the Moon was very fun to revisit and finally beat. The DSS system is really cool to mess around with and adds tons of variety to both combat and exploration. The exploration, while way less complicated than most Metroidvania games, was super fun and most areas were fun to explore. Being a GBA game it's relatively short and doesn't overstay its welcome being a nice in and out experience.
My main gripes with this game were three things
1. The GBAs screen crunch issue that was present in many of the early library. While it wasn't as bad as some other games from the era it was still frustrating to get blindsided by some projectile offscreen.
2. The low drop rate of DSS cards was kinda sad as the DSS system is one of the most fun parts about the game. By the end of the game with the entire castle minus arena explored I only had 5 cards without grinding. This is somewhat alleviated by the glitch that lets you select any card but its not perfect as that just completely breaks the game. It just needed either a slight drop rate boost or a way to just find them on the map.
3. The massive difficulty spike around half way through the game. I remember when I first played Circle of the Moon as a kid I could never get past Adrameleck and the game only gets harder from there. It wouldn't be so bad if the DSS cards were more easily obtainable but again the low drop rate (or my bad luck) made some sections an absolute pain in the ass.
That said some of this frustration is admittedly (and accidentally) self inflicted as right after fighting Adrameleck I went straight to Underground Waterway which, without the purifier, is Super Adolf Blight Town Deluxe. I simply thought there was no other way to go and didn't realize I could slide until right after I beat Hugh. It's cool that you can sequence break and it's probably my fault for not realizing such an obvious button combo but holy fuck I wish that the game gave a little more direction about that to have saved me the trouble.
Overall Circle of the Moon is a really solid short romp. Not as good as other Metroidvanias like Symphony of the Night or something but it's fun little ride if you're a fan of the genre.

This was definitely a massive leap in scope and a further refinement of the Arkham series gameplay. The story was great and the city was really fun to explore. The improvement to combat and abilities were really fun when I remembered I had them and helped with that awesome feeling flow of the first. The new movement abilities make traversing the open world really fun and fluid. Just off a pure gameplay level a complete step up.
That said I think kind of preferred Arkham Asylum. This is completely a preference thing but I liked the streamlined experience Asylum had a little more, it just felt more focused. It was designed like a 3D metroidvania, a genre I'm a bit of a sucker for. Lastly I thought the atmosphere was done better in Asylum. I'm not saying City is bad or anything because on an objective level it improves the franchise in almost every way and is a genre defining game, it's just preference. Both games were amazing so far, can't wait to play Arkham Knight.

Listen, this game was fucking amazing and deserves all the praise it gets but this might also be one of the most unintentionally funniest games I’ve ever played. All of the weird animations, the Gmod physics, and hilarious character models had me laughing more than any game ever. This game was an amazing time.

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This is probably one of the best and most impactful video game stories ever written, now with some of the best gameplay for any JRPG on offer. While the original isn't the worst game ever by any means, I know that myself and many of my friends have dropped the original on PS2 because of its freaky mechanics. I'm so glad this remake exists as now I've been able to experience one of the most impactful stories I've ever experienced.
I cannot stress how good this story is and how every aspect of this game enhances it. The party members in this game are probably some of the most realized group of characters I've witnessed in gaming. Unlike 4&5 they don't feel like tropey nothing characters and feel like real people who could exist outside of what the protagonist is doing. The social links with like 2 exceptions are really good and they all fit into and enhance the themes of the game. Key moments like 10/4 and the ending hit super hard. The added scenes between the male party members and Strega were also really appreciated.
The gameplay is sooooooo good like I cannot believe that they made me ENJOY TARTARUS like that fucking wizard shit. Party control is obviously nice but adding baton pass, now called shift, from Persona 5 really helped speed up the pace of battle and enhanced the strategy of the game. My only gripe is that shift did make the game a little too easy, especially during the mid game, even on hard but I think the fun out weights the gripe.
This has definitely become my favorite Persona by far and one of my favorite games ever. It's so good and because gamepass is so cheap if you have a PC or Xbox there is no excuse not to play it.

Insane 3D platformer with crazy movement

This was incredibly put together for a fangame, it feels like it could have been a real prequel to Undertale. As a game though I just thought it was alright. The presentation was much better than original Undertale (not hard cuz Toby is a bit of a shit artist and we like that) but I enjoyed the actual gameplay less than OG overall. The story was also just fine, it read like a pretty decent Undertale fan fiction which to be fair it literally was.
I would love to see the people who worked on this to make a new game completely divorced from Undertale in the future.

Thoughts after finishing the game for the first time (Blue Lions)
This game is really good like most FE games but is riddled with so many issues. The graphics were dick, the supports were largely uninteresting, the monastery was really boring, and the second act was underwhelming compared to the first.
What I did enjoy though was the immense amount of character class flexibility and just freak shit that you could do. I don’t think it should be in every FE but it would be fun every couple games. The soundtrack is probably one of the best video game osts I ever heard.
I came out of this game one route and dlc story pretty positive but yeah it’s far from perfect and I prefer older entries more for the most part.

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This game is honestly a really solid way to play cod, like it’s a fully featured multiplayer and then some. It’s really funny just how solid of a mobile game this can be, just Bluetooth a controller and it feels just like any other cod and with maps from across the franchise. I can get my quick fix of whatever cod I feel like. If it wasn’t for its freakishly large file size (ofc a cod game is too big) I would recommend this to anyone who likes cod.

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I just finished my platinum and so here are my thoughts.
This game is overall better than the first two but it was also lacking in some places. The movement, combat, and side content is the best it's ever been. They somehow made what was probably the best traversal system in a video game ever even better with the edition of the web glider and by increasing the swing speed along with some other new tools. The expanded combat options make an already pretty fun beat em up even more fun, and the two Spider-Man’s move sets feel distinct enough to make them both equally fun. The side quests were so good, the pidgeon guy and lost old man ones made me tear up. The game was overall an improvement from the first two but there are some things that hold it back.
I felt that the costume selection, especially for Peter’s Spider-Man, was really lacking. Every single costume I liked from the first game was removed and they weren’t replaced with many I liked. Miles def has the better selection overall but they also got the new worst Spider-Man fit ever so they didn’t exactly win either.
The gadgets in this game didn’t feel particularly “Spider-Man” to me either. They compensated a little with the abilities that the Spider-Men get but the actual gadgets felt more like freaky Iron Man gear than what your friendly neighborhood Spidey would use.
My last and probably biggest gripe was that. The main story, mostly and especially in the last third, was very lacking. The first two thirds with Kraven, the Black Suit, and seeing Harry and Peter’s friendship was super engaging and exciting to see but the moment that Miles beats Peter out the black suit the writing and pacing takes a major nosedive in quality until the end of the game. It’s really unfortunate cuz there’s cool set pieces and such it’s just not executed very well.

Game holds up super well to this day. My favorite aspect for this version was the A/B scenarios. It was so cool seeing how one routes plot and choices would affect the other, like the uzi/pouch decision. I played Claire A Leon B for this playthrough, which is the first time I've finished the game, but I played a little Leon A before and things played out differently which makes me excited for a second playthrough whenever I get around to it. While I love the 2019 remake and I'll probably still play that version more often, its super disappointing now having seen what they cut.

This is probably one of the most impressive games I've played for the PS1. The atmosphere was as dense as the fog and created an amazing vibe. For a PS1 game, the actual town of Silent Hill felt like a real and familiar town I could visit. The puzzles were really fun to solve without a guide too, I had a notebook next to me the whole time.
The only thing that didn't super work for me was the story. It was, to me, a very generic cult plot that wasn't that well told. It also may be unfair to make this comparison since it's literally a later release but as someone who started with SH2 the story just didn't do anything for me. It's not a bad plot by any means, it just didn't stand out. For the record I finished the story with Good+ as I knew about the red fluid from a friend.