Really really incredible game. Deep commitment to what could have otherwise been a vague and even humorous setting. Unique weapons, systems, and satisfying progression, all drawn together by intensely difficult, fast paced boss fights. Many of the areas surrounding those bosses leave something to be desired, but they’re more than enough to get the job done.

After nearly a decade of the “soulslike” genre falling short of their inspiration, this seems to be the first game to finally crack From Software’s secret formula. It’s fitting too, that it seems to be the closest thing we’ll ever get to a rerelease or sequel to Bloodborne. It’s a wonderful game, tied together by its content, graphics, setting, and soundtrack. And most importantly of all, it’s hot twink MC.

It’s probably the best RPG I’ve ever played. As someone who’s grown tired of never ending games filled with nothing content and collectibles designed to pad out game time for advertisements, Baldur’s Gate 3 exists as a game that might actually take you 100 hours to complete, and somehow still leave you wanting even more. The breadth of genuinely inspired and well written content is almost beyond belief. Quests interact and intertwine in ways that will have you begging to do another playthrough just to see what might have happened if you’d done things just a little bit differently.

There’s very little this game could have done better, the characters feel genuine and your actions have a very real impact on the world and the outcome of many different events within the game. It’s everything you could ever ask for from an RPG.


Everyone’s favorite non-Amnesia Frictional game. Unsurprisingly it’s very good. Like most indie horror it hits hard, commits to its bit, and is just a little bit too short. It’s a very interesting “Bioshock-esque” setting, but with a much darker reality, and a series of very good twists near the ending sequence of the game. One of my only real criticisms are that the monsters’ aggression is based on whether or not you actually look at them, which can make the chasing or sneaking segments feel incredibly awkward sometimes.

Besides that, it’s a rock solid game that doesn’t overstay it’s welcome. Has a little bit of the Frictional jank like Amnesia, but thankfully in this one you don’t have to stack boxes to complete any of the puzzles. Hope to get a sequel someday!

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Isaac has had its series of (mostly) ups and (a couple) downs over the last decade or so. Flash was a janky rng filled mess, but an excellent prototype and proof that the game was fun to play, even if it was a little bullshit. Rebirth was the next generation, everything coming together and moving forward to new platforms and audiences. It created and solidified a solid foundation for everything that was to come. Afterbirth was more of the good, a long list of improvements and additions (maybe except for greed mode). Afterbirth + unfortunately was more of a misstep. Lots of content that felt lazy or like it otherwise didn’t belong. Worse still the item pools had become so diluted that every run became a mad rush to the devil deals because they represented the only consistent way to get enjoyable runs. But for better or worse, all that is in the past now.

Repentance represents everything this game has been through, and everything it’s become, in the best way possible. One final expansion created in part by modders so passionate about the game that they were brought on to become development staff after spending nearly seven years on their project. Everything from the alt path, Ridiculon’s new music, the tainted roster, the game changing new items and massive number of reworks to older ones that would’ve otherwise become obsolete. All tied together by a final, climactic true ending, finally giving Isaac the peace he so desperately needed. The granddaddy of the modern roguelike coming back for one last time to show all the new guys on the block that he’s still top dog. It’s perfect, truly.

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This game is absolutely dripping with sauce. Seriously, I replayed it recently and the intro cutscene gave me shivers. Despite it’s clear inspirations, it is all too happy to be drenched in it’s own bombastic, red and black glory. And it is all the more remarkable as a result.

If you can manage to look past the screeching, gore-ridden monsters (based) and the hot lesbian robots (even more based) and what actually comes out the other end is an incredibly surprising and effective modernization of classic survival horror like Silent Hill, and the original Resident Evil. But Signalis carries itself in a way that makes it clear that it is so much more than just it’s predecessors. What begins as a friendly and genre-familiar “I’m looking for my girlfriend” quickly evolves into a gripping, convoluted narrative. The spooky robot monster game devolves into chaos as eldritch horror and battles with one’s own conscious take center stage.

Signalis is probably the best horror game to release in 2022, and it’s certainly the best new IP. It was obviously crafted with an incredible amount of passion, which is reflected in every bit of its art, music, and atmosphere. There’s hope that someday we can all grow a little bit closer to becoming the hot lesbian robot that’s living inside of us all.

Deeply disappointing. Game is objectively worse than its predecessor in plenty of different ways, in addition to having an extreme lack of content on launch. The game engine and gunplay has improved somewhat, but actual mechanics of combat have worsened almost across the board. There’s little else to say.

My personal favorite game of all time!