Most boring walking simulator ever.

It's like Halo 2 meets Halo 3.


Avant Garde Masterpiece.

This game has many problems, but what really kills it is the insane amount of microtransactions. With the way they shit out new expansions it's pretty much impossible to get a decent enough amount of cards without buying packs (This can easily add up to the price of a Triple-A game, money you could spend buying a card game that is actually good).

The Normal Mode: Not having many decent cards makes the normal mode almost unplayable as it's hard to make different decks that acutally work and you'll get to a point where you either: Play the same boring deck over and over or just never progress at all.

The Singleplayer Campaigns: These can actually be fun, nothing really all that amazing but certainly a breath of fresh air from the normal game. Oh yeah these can cost up to 25€ which is way more than way too much.

Tavern Brawl: Most of the time this mode is actually pretty fun, although every now and then you get a shitty one (Or one you can't really play in because you don't have the cards you need) which means having to wait all week to play a different one. Would be much better if they changed it daily instaed of weekly.

Arena: Actually a fun mode but just like everything that comes close to fun in this game it costs 2 dollars each match or you have to farm gold. (Same thing applies to Duel mode)

Battlegrounds: I really don't get the fun of Auto-Battlers.

Mercenaries: I stopped playing the game by the time this was out.

The new modes are nothing to write home about and the camera is horrendous.

Fun for an hour or so then gets kinda tedious.

baby game but I get to play as super mario smoking weed

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Act 1 is amazing, then the game gradually decreases in quality each Act in service of some quite dumb (and honestly uninteresting) meta stuff that has been done a million times already. The Archivist and Golly were fun bosses but through Acts 2 and 3 I was mostly wondering "Why am I playing this inferior card game instead of the cool one I was playing earlier?"

Five Nights at Freddy's impact on the horror game genre is one of the worst things to ever happen in gaming and this just exhibit A.

For a flash game from 1999 it's not even that bad. It has some interesting ideas and the music gives it a pretty cool atmosphere. I'd love to see a better executed detective game on a Lovecraftian scenario.