It's alright, but if I'm going to gather all of my friends to play a game in this style I'd rather just play TTT

a little tedious and easy not much to do other than jump around in a line which I guess was to be expected. idea is cool.


gas -g-g GASGASGAS g-g- gas gas

God why did I beat this whole thing in a day and why did I start with World 9 instead of 1?

It's a fine puzzle game, but man does it get tedious. It feels so dated with every movement option going at least five times slower than it should. Aside from making it a lot more boring this can even make you fail sometimes, I've had to restart levels due to the game not registering my movement properly a lot more than I would like. (It happens when you press the buttons before the turtle speed movement animation finishes).

Outside of that the levels are pretty well designed and explore fairly heavily the very few mechanics the game has. Still, I wish there was a bit more to it. Seeing how the game has a little story, a cool world map and "boss stages" it started to remind me of those classic PopCap games except nowhere near as good. A more modern and expanded version of this would probably be pretty sick if done correctly.

And yes I know this is an NES game made by a very small team but while it may justify it does not fix my issues with it. By the end I was just happy to be done, the music was making me feel dizzy, like actually. I didn't even know I had a headache and now it's gone.


Little Timmy's first puzzle game.

Despite being 3D it still feels like I'm playing a generic 2D Mario game. Some levels shine in this but in general it gets repetitive and bland very quickly.

My boy Neal Agarwal should learn what the second word in his website means.

The true unforeseen consequence is episode 3 not releasing after over 15 years.

This was fun back in the day. Shame I can't play it anymore cause it runs at like 20 FPS with the new updates...

Edit: Nvm just needed to install a bunch of mods cause Mojang can't optimize their own game

Edit 2: Ok, replaying this was clearly a mistake. Turns out my standards for quality have gone up since I was a child and what I remembered as a very joyful sandbox game was one of the most boring gaming experiences I've ever had.

Fairly fun but a bit hit or miss.

Case one was a good tutorial
Cases two and four were pretty good
Cases three and five were awful

Extremely charming and creative game, it's a bit too easy, but it's still really fun. The game keeps throwing new things at you so it never really gets stale. The inclusion of mini-games is also an incredible change of pace every now and then and adds a lot to the game.

"Thank You For Playing"
Tunder Crack
Doomsday Zone Theme
"Your Skill: Just die. No Seriously. I mean that with a 100% with a 1000%"

Very funny that the people who got popular making an extremely bad and boring P.T. clone are now working on the Silent Hill 2 remake (specially when Konami does everything in their power to make you forget that game existed in the first place) but it's mostly just really sad.

Baby scene still goes hard tho.

I'll say one good thing about it, I don't think this one was CIA funded.