Capcom is one of the only developers dedicated to mechanical slapstick operating at an elite production quality, and this is another exceptionally funny game. Paradoxically they made the island worse, which I suppose is also really funny. Four stars.

(Single player campaign review) Absolutely essential video game, maybe the best American AAA game ever made. The details of the mechanics and level design seem forgotten by time. Paradoxically wildly underrated. On my short list of “mandatory reading” for videogames. A significant number of linear games would be a lot better if the developer learned any of the lessons from mw — there’s a huge and multidisciplinary game-wide commitment to spending money on simulationist systems in service of the linear scripted levels — very dynamic second to second ai, flavor dialogue that responds to dynamic details of fights , setpieces where you get saved by a tank or helicopter using real AI, and so on. Generational achievement. Don’t play the HD re-release, which messed up some of the fx.

Like most remedy games this just Works dude. Extremely “more than the sum of its parts” game. They should drop the non-pathtraced lighting.

I don’t know dude, I didn’t complete the ng+ alternate runs but this game doesn’t quite work for me. Doesn’t feel crunchy enough, the minute to minute gameplay feels like dragging sliders and theres constantly a slight tactile discomfort around weapon cooldown. I have a pretty specific desire for “tank game” systems and and haven’t found it here. I think I liked ac3 more. Good game though.

I played this right after my mom died, swapping back and forth between it and Ace Combats 5 and 7. Neither flattered this game.

overrated good game. Functions best as a hidden object game but it defaults to highlighting interactables. There are only like two basic puzzle structures so once you internalize the design philosophy it feels a little color by numbers. Fairly satisfying I guess.

Shaggy dog game.

Based on one of those mechanical loops where you use a weird mechanic with help a few times and then are dropped into a surprise situation where you have to synthesize it without the help, except the mechanic is slightly too complicated so it takes like 6 hours to set up.

Review in progress: puzzles are easier and more bite sized than tp1. story is much dorkier, dozens and dozens of libertarian robot "characters" making the same point from different perspcetives (the point is techno-utopianism.) Nevertheless I think I'm enjoying it a lot

A slight game that nevertheless overstays its welcome. Very pretty, moving around feels nice, each environment plays for what feels like an eternity. Probably should have been 2 hours long.

At first I thought the game wouldn't have any text, but given that this is a french studio it has a lot and all of it is terrible.

fun core puzzle-toy gimmick, ocasionally elevating to myst like world logic puzzles (like, three or four times?)

Frequently a game about waiting for nothing to happen because you clicked on the wrong thing. Dopey ending. Looks like quite a large team worked on it, but they couldn't get the shadows to look OK so I'm gonna call this one an "indie game"

Soured with time, progressively lowering the score every few months