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This game is heavily underrated to me. The Story has you follow a gangster who was apparently involved with a number of scenes from the first movie, trying to build up his position in the Corleone Crime family, this is an interesting idea for a Godfather game, and shows its respect for the franchise. The Characters feel like game counterparts to their film ones, and well voice acted to, none of the voice acting is bad, and voiced by the actual cast from the film, amazing. The graphics are not the best, but aren't bad either, they look good as an Xbox 360 game from 2006. The gameplay is the fun that succeeds expectations. You go around the cities recruiting other businesses for the family by either applying pressure without going too far, a task for the owner, buying rackets hidden inside these establishments, bribing officers to look the other way, shoot gangsters with guns, that really pull you into the godfather gangster world, firing guns is fun too thanks to the crosshairs and impact they put on people, buy ammo from street traders, you can get other Corleone members to help you in shootouts or rob a bank, rob warehouses for illegal merchandise, the better you do at extorting businesses the more money you get, and you can accessorize your character too, improving the gameplay to more realistic and yet levels. Music and sound effects are both great, fits perfectly in tone for the Godfather franchise. The First Godfather videogame is one of the best gangster games of all time, and although not a masterpiece like the film, it's still worth it's recognition that most people don't give it.

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This Survivor game is nothing. The game has you play a season of survivor either 1 of 6 certain characters from the first 2 seasons, pick and customize from some premade models, this is terrible, 5 girls and 1 old man, so there's almost no variety, and the setting is the Australian outback desert, no chance of playing the jungle that is the most used survivor setting. The Voice acting is...bad, they don't sound excited or feels scripted, even more considering this is based off a show where all dialogue is natural. The Graphics couldn't be lazier, they are the most baron textures I've ever since on a licensed game, it really makes it very distracting and makes it hard to enjoy what you're playing. The Gameplay has you pick either a short, medium or long game.
You put everyone to a job to help around camp, wait boringly for the reward and immunity challenges to happen well doing nothing but speaking to others in odd dialogue or just tell everyone that a certain person will vote them off, and they will believe you, making you journey to the final 2 easy, so all you have to do is make most people hate the person you take to the end, and then you WIN, this breaks the game completely. The Animations are also done on as few commands as you could put to trick idiots to think it's good, they never look natural in anyway. The challenges are let down by bad controls, bad animations and some challenges have errors like unsure questions and having the screen be in bad positions for an enjoyable gameplay. The Music is not the worst, but you don't deserve any praise for doing it, sounds are bad, and never get better than ok. This is the worse type of way to play Survivor, Survivor Roblox is more realistic than this.

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Shark tale is even worse than the movie. The Story is the same as the movie, but with added moments for gameplay purposes, and each chapter starts off with a part of an interview from a character talking a bit about something to do with what you are about to play, not a bad idea, except it spoils the ending and the film's story isn't good anyway, so it's just making a bad story even worse. The Graphics wouldn't be too bad for a PS2 game, but the fact that the characters are ugly anyway make the game, UGLY. The Gameplay is very verified, but they all have 1 important thing in common, they all suck. You have to move to the side of a screen to avoid an attack from something trying to eat you, but it's not hard because there are 3 sides of the screen that you are safe, despite the arrow telling you to go 1 way and sometimes punch the creatures despite the fact that Oscar being able to fight monsters was supposed to be a lie, you can also catch items by circling them, it's not interesting, you can move around in an open world where normal fish can be enemies that hurt you, a mission that shows that the electricity and graffiti is fine under water logic from the film is here, yes that's a film problem, but that doesn't excuse making the game completely different, there are random DDR games, 1 that interrupts a new reporter, ones where you have to race to the end, but there are barely anything interesting on screen in these open segments, same with the open worldish ones too, and the worst stealth gameplay ever, where you can be seen by everyone, hide behind something they can see you go behind, and it shouldn't even happen, since Oscar got to the whale wash before Sykes so this shouldn't even exist and another one in a ship full of sharks, dodging obstacle games where you avoid the whale wash contraption instead of swimming around it, and dodging jellyfish stings for a certain amount of time where it's not clear to tell where not to be. Music feels like a cheaper version of what the film's composers would create, and Sounds are not good, with things that don't sound like how they should and certain effects that could take you out of the emersion. Shark tale is a travesty of game making and shows off how to do every kind of gameplay badly for any game people inspire to make.

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This is bad, even for a Bratz game. The Story is that Jade and her future children are fired from her job after she gives her boss a lunch with carbs, so you go out and buy things for yourself, before you start you're own fashion magazine, nothing to do with the title, it's garbage and what the story is the kind you expect from a Bratz story. The Characters are awful, just like the their licensed counterparts, obsessed with their looks and trends, the acting is also over the top styled.
The Graphics are awful, looks like they put as little effort in them. The Gameplay has you run around is slippery controls and using coins that pop out of nowhere to buy things in shops that you can't tell what they sell, and it's as lazy as you can get. The Music is just copyrighted tracks, you'll be lucky to like any of them. Bratz Rock Angelz is a nominee for worst Bratz game, unless I can't find any other Bratz game as bad or worse than this.

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The only appeal of this game are the characters bodies in swimsuits. The Story is that they all the characters from 1,2, V3, and some (not all for some reason) from Ultra Despair Girls are going to a virtual reality to get more hope fragments. This is the first time that even the idea of the story is terrible, this game is just an excuse to have all characters interact, so the story pretends that no one died and that the V3 cast believe in hope now just so this game could happen, but it doesn't lead to a good story. the Characters are the same as the games, minus what I said earlier. Voice acting is just taken from the last games, no new voice acting for this game. The Graphics are terrible, the 2D sprites look copy and pasted on screenshots from the games, and a few new ones, and the 3D sections look too basic to call them anything else. The gameplay has you roll a dice and go around the island on 50 days/turns to do all you can before playing as a new character, for other moments, which would be fine, but the interactions you have are random between the character you play, and other people you interact with, meaning to whole point of the game is uncontrollable, if you want to play as NON protagonist characters, you have to pay microtransactions first, also, this game recognizes Genocide Jack/Genosider Sho both as canon with V3 being here so that's another mistake they never fixed, there clearly weren't enough pods for everyone in the beginning, combat is just bash the fight and mega fight buttons until you win, even bosses, getting cards to help you around, do certain events alone to boost skills, or by landing on the same square as another person, or by landing on a talent square, even the scenes with the characters each other aren't always worth listening to, meaning you may not get anything you like even if the right characters DO come up, and your money could be taken by the Monokubs, this Gameplay overall is garbage. The Music is just taken from the 2nd game, and sounds are either basic or nonexistent. Danganronpa S is a way to make a barely pointful game pointless by taking away it's point and making everything else bad too.

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This is a terrible Simpsons game; I know there are others, but I'll get to them later. The Story is Bart falls asleep doing homework and dreams of his homework flying away and he tries to get the pages back, because apparently dreams can tell you correct answers to things you don't know (this is sarcasm), the story sucks thanks to that Plot hole, because a Bart action game can easily be good, just not this time. The Graphics are actually good for NES and help with the adventurous tone with its colors and style that feels like a game based on the show. The Gameplay is you walk around an endless street with many hazards well looking for the 8 pages when you land on a page you choose between 2 random colors each for a different challenge, there are 5 in total, a Bartman flying level where you avoid hazard and shoot 5 bosses at most with your slingshot, this was fun,
there's an Indiana Jones like challenge where you get to the end of the stones well avoiding enemies and obstacles, this can be fun, but hard and you do it twice for 2 pages, there's an Itchy and Scratchy where you kill all the Itchys, Scratchys and common household items until you can make it to the end, this game is terrible, because you can get hit even when it looks like you're at a different angle and if you die, you can get killed by them again before you have a chance to escape them, and you have to do it twice for 2 pages, there's a Godzilla stage where you shoot down tanks, rockets, fighter jets and destroy buildings to get to the end, this is fun actually, but you don't have a health bar, so you don't know how many more hits you can take, and after you complete this one you have to climb a building well avoiding stuff thrown from windows and Marge as a giant moth, this is frustrating because sometimes the items dropped come from offscreen, so you can't always see them coming, the last challenge has you blow up germs and touch dead skeletons to make it to the end, this is not actually fun since it's the same thing over and over again and it's not something that is fun in the first place. But what annoys me the most is that if you get enough points, you can get a high grade without finding all the pages, making collecting ALL the pages feel useless, why not just end the end when you get enough points? The Music is hard on the ears when you start the game and the rest range from it works to don't care for it. Sounds are not the best when compared to other games, they can get really odd sounding. This game IS terrible with fun moments, but the problems overshadow them in incompetence.

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This Game based on the TV show, sacrifices certain qualities for ones from different categories. The Story is that there is a gas attack that sends many CTU agents away from headquarters when a terrorist attack happens at their base and while escaping with a stolen hard drive, Jack's daughter Kim is kidnapped as a hostage, and Jack tries to stop the terrorists and get Kim back, this is an alright plot for 24, and the game elements make it good, but there are some story problems, like how the President's assassination plot doesn't really get concluded. The Voice acting is really good, feel like acting tones from the show itself, especially Kiefer Sutherland. The Graphics are good and represent the show well, even if the effects could be better with quality. The Gameplay has you follow missions for the CTU with a crew to stop Terrorist acts, by running around shooting or detaining bad guys, with a great aiming system. Controls are a bit stiff, don't feel flowy enough to get away from bullets faster. Driving missions have you go from one place to another, with some car chases thrown in for more gameplay. Minigames are also used for missions in many ways, you have to interrogate with the right kinds of tones to move to the right place, scan floors to find enemies on every part of the area, even if somehow other snipes turn up anyway that weren't there before, clicking the right colored blocks when the mouse randomly travels around the screen, moving found letters around until they are all green to find the password, and figuring out which path will reach the end, these minigames are fun, and don't feel out of place since they are used as a gameplay version of the tasks that are being done of screen. There are some Gameplay moments that don't make sense, like how when you avoid being caught on camera, you can get caught as long as it's not for long, which is stupid because you would still be on screen for that short amount of time, also there's a scene where you sneak past scientists, yet they should have seen you in the distance. Also, different screens appearing sometimes for different views, just like the show does, great way to fit that it. Music is decent, but not memorable in anyway. 24: the game is a decent attempt on bringing a Tv adaption to life with a good combination of fun gameplay and being true to its roots.

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This Makes no sense in the context of Toy Story. The Story is mostly the same as the movie, with minor changes
You play as woody and sometimes other characters, the story is ruined by gameplay moments, that contradict the movie and its own logic, and the meaningful moment where learns he's a toy is done offscreen, so there ruins the emotion of the story, same with the other emotional moments to. The Graphics look great, but the models are a bit off, they don't look like they belong there. The Gameplay has you exploring levels and completing missions, The level objectives are actually good and feel perfect for the story. But there are problems throughout the game. You move around so slowly, like I speeded up by 50% on some YouTube footage to prove a point, and it felt normal, except for the speeding segments. You will be getting stars to increase your number of continues, The enemies you will face are other toys that hurt you for some reason, you can attack them with your pull string at yet, the voice box doesn't go off, and the enemies only stay tied up by an imaginary rope that's not attached to you, for a moment though, and some are only hit to not hit you. You also can't kid around with getting hit, if you get hit 5 times, you lose a cowboy hat/life, lose them all and start the
Level 2 has you putting toys back into the box, even though you have to make a path for them to get to the box first, since it's a 2D environment and they can't go around objects. Level 3 has you race buzz to the bed, but I can't tell if it's possible to win, other toys attack you and Buzz can bounce under the screen, but you can't which all isn't fair, and I remember falling down, and losing all my life's since I wouldn't get put back onto the racecourse, I stayed down there until I died, and this level made me realize how they are too big to be Andys bedroom. Level 4 is a good boss fight, and it's a dream sequence so it doesn't have to make sense. Level 5 has you knock buzz around the room, but not near the window where he was in the movie, he stands there and lets you hit him each time, and Rc's battery keeps running out too early for the sake of gameplay, and the controls are irritating, due to the controls turning left and right from the RC perspective and not the screen. Level 6, 7 + 8 are fine, but Level 9 has you attacked by falling food, with no one to knock them off, and Buzz keeps hitting you if you take too long to be cautious. Level 10 is fine if a bit tricky, Level 11 and 12 are fine, Level 13 is odd, since the toys hit you, despite the movie saying that Sid's toys are good. Level 14 is the same as the last. Level 15 is bad since the dog forces you to the end of the screen with no chance to see something coming until it hits you. Level 16 is not good since you drive so clunky that I can't believe that a RC like that would catch up with a Truck, and the same problems from the last RC level, and the final level is broken because buzz FLIES past obstacles, you avoid trees that are above the road since there are cars below you, and the trees go over the area where the cars are, and yet the cars and the truck which almost touches the top of the screen somehow made it past them, since all the cars go to the right, and you can't change lanes and have to avoid trees, meaning they are all on the same side of the road, which means... THIS MAKES NO SENSE THIS GAME IS HORRIBLE. Music and Sounds are fun though, and gets you into the gameplay, except the nonexistent music in the end credits, if only that was good too. Toy Story on the NES is a terrible attempt at making you get into the Toy Story world, and I have no idea why a game this well-known at the time could have ended up like this, considering the time it came out.


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This game was made for Saw fans and I they are the only people that might like this. The Story is that David Tapp survived the first movie and it put in an Asylum and has to help others with their traps and overcome his obsession of catching Jigsaw, this isn't a bad idea, it is possible that John Kramer could have saved someone shot in the chest and I am ok of seeing where it goes. The Characters are bad actually except for Jigsaw and Amanda's alright, but Tapp looks and sounds nothing like he did in the movie, Jennings is a selfish asshole who killed someone with his car and framed an innocent man, and acts like a douche around others, even Tapp after he saved him, Melissa hates Tapp more than any likeable person should and neglects her son and blames Tapp for that as well, Oswald is a nothing to talk about character, Obi is nothing like he was in Saw 2, and Jeff is an idiot who calls Tapp crazy despite all the effort he put into his job. The Graphics and bad, the models look cheap and generic, not many opportunities for personality, and objects look placed on, like their separately placed everywhere without finishing the textures, and the gore look fake, despite the fact that the blood and objects it's on are both CG. The Gameplay has you complete puzzles to continue, there are too many to name, and they are everywhere throughout the game, this might annoy you depending on who you are, but if you don't mind that, then you might enjoy them. There are also obstacles to slow your progress like broken glass that will cut your bare feet, small wire traps near the ground that will cause you to get shot, shotgun triggered doors, people trying to kill you to get a key they need out of your chest and a shotgun collar that will shoot you if you can't get away from other people wearing them, you can reuse the wire traps to kill your opponents though and that's nice. The combat is broken, you aim and attack, but the time it takes to swing a weapon is so slow your better off using your own fists, even though that's not instant either, also if they hit you, you can't hit them back right away before they hit you again, and the combat of hitting people has a really stiff feeling. The 6 trials go like this, the first trial has Tapp join Amanda in a game where you have match knock the antidote and toxins to the right place, this game was fine outside of the fact Tapp joined in, the others are all just solve a puzzle you already did a lot of to free them, except the third one that's new, it was annoying how most people were mean to you after saving them, no satisfying gratitude at all, also the 2nd and 5th trials don't make sense cause the trials the people are there for have nothing to do with Tapp's Test, Jigsaw would not put random ones there just to pad out the game for, if they were put there for game length , then they could have added more new ones like with Melissa, and the 6th trial is broken because you can type the combination to the door in starting from 000 to 999 in around 20 minutes meaning 1/7 of the game can be skipped. The Freedom Ending is disappointing cause after everything you did, Tapp just shoots himself, and the Truth Ending doesn't make sense since Tapp was supposed to be scarred by Melissa's death or there nothing to make him regret that choice and Melissa only died because she didn't notice the wire. The Music average for the scenario you're in, nothing to call good, nothing to call a failure. Saw the videogame can be fun for fans of the films, but it's still not well done for a saw game, and non-fans will not care for this at all.

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This game is shockingly garbage, I dare even say it's groundbreakingly bad. The Story is that Creatures called Woolies are trying to capture Bubsy, the story couldn't be more basic with nothing to make it better than the way I'm writing it. The Characters are even more annoying than in the show, and that's an anti-achievement. The Graphics are garbage for everything especially the world itself is the worst textured world I've seen in any 3D videogame, they are so bad you can't always tell what something is, including the world. The gameplay is garbage you go around collecting ATOMS for a unthought of reason, and the tank controls make it hard to have a lovely flow for fun travelling, enemies are unexplained and only shoot small things at you, and feels more annoying than fun, and Bubsy even breaks the fourth wall a number of times at it's so distracting, since the tone doesn't feel like it could have one, also platforms won't let you stick a pixel off their edge or you fall to your death, you can't even run off 1 platform and move in the air to land on another, and you have to jump above blasts to fly up to the bosses and beat them. The Music is terrible, the worst thing since hitting anything you can find to make your own music, and sounds get no better than stock. Bubsy 3D is terrible even as a Bubsy game and this will go down in history as one the worst videogames of all time, giving it even half a star is too good for it.

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After all these years of playing games, I don't believe I will ever play a game worse than this. The 50 games are all rushed, and are a mixture of games you can't lose, can't win, crash, broken gameplay at best, are terribly thought out, the sounds are no more than as basic as a sound can be put on a game, and they all have bad effects, not 1 of them looks good. I say 50 games, because 2 of them don't even start. With these reasons alone, I can safely say that I think that this deserves to be called THE WORST VIDEOGAME OF ALL TIME.

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This is a really fun game that no one has heard about, and I want to show my enjoyment of it to more people. The Story is that Captain stone has been captured in a POW camp and has to escape, but then twists and turns require him to end getting captured many times, this story is great and lead to a number of creative possibilities. The Characters are all great, from their personalities to their actions make none of the cast feel bland at all, especially the protagonist's serious yet jokey attitude makes him stand out from other protagonists. The Graphics are not great, but work for the PS2 and the style is near perfection for the Prisoner of war atmosphere, which is also great taking full advantage of its setting and making every camp feel like these characters are actually going there, not real characters quality but amazing for a PS2 game. The Gameplay is inspired by Metal gear Solid, you sneak around, avoiding guards and getting items and doing tasks to help escape from each POW camp, it's extremely fun to do, none of the missions are boring and some have multiple ways you could complete them, 1 downside I do have to it is when you miss roll call, and guards look around for you, after you return to your group later, the guards act like you never went missing, it would be great if they could incorporate real life physics to each part of the game, but that's the only big problem I have with it. The Voice acting ranges from great to off, especially for the German guards, some of their fake accents can be so bad that they bring un-intentional comedy to the game. Music is perfect for a PS2 POW game, no updates would improve its style, sounds are also good, even intimidating when thanks to the setting and atmosphere and risk of getting caught. Prisoner of War is a great game and I recommend it for all gamers I know.

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This game is a groundbreaking moment in gaming history. You play 5 different sports well using your Wii controller to act as your dominant hand, giving you move like as if you're really there, revolutionary in terms of how perfect it functions. The Gameplay is in Tennis is what you would think it is, you use the remote as your virtual sports tool, your player moves by itself, and the others are AI, Baseball has you swing your arm around like you're using a baseball bat but when you pitch you don't need to throw the ball properly, you can move you hand how you like and it will throw it at the player the same way , but the hits it does are still different so it's not a problem, and if you create your own MII's they will be your team if you play, Bowling has you choose your aim and where to do it before swinging the ball like a real bowling ball, you don't play against others though it's a high score game, but I do enjoy the reactions when I throw the ball back to the crowd, Golf let's use choose your club, practice your shot and wind to change trajectory of your balls, Boxing has you punch your opponent with your remote (and your nun chuck) to knock out your opponent more before the time runs out, all these functions work perfectly for your Wii remote and actions, no delays or misreads. There is also training challenge you can do to improve your skills and the more you do the more you unlock, there also a fitness test where each 24 hours you can do three of the training tests you unlocked, and the game tells you what you fit age is, these games work amazingly too with no repercussions. The Graphics are beautiful, the MII style is amazing and iconic for the console and the designs can work in any game where you can do all of a general type of virtual gaming. The music is iconic and welcome you into every game you play with sounds matching the games overall feel. Wii sports is so amazing the only problem I have with it is that it only has 5 sports, if it had every sport there is, it would have been a 5-star game.

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This game is a disaster that WOULD have been good if it had the time it needed to finish it. The Story is that Eggman kidnapped Princess Elisa, so he can get hold of the flames of disaster, but a monster named Iblis is to be released in the future, so Sonic also has to stop it, well another hedgehog tries to kill Sonic, believing he will cause the end of the world, this Story is actually a very good story, and I consider it to be one of the best sonic plots despite how much there is to take in, but there are some plot holes and stupid decisions that make me question how well it was executed, like how the Princess can't cry because Iblis will be released, and her father doesn't make sure she is aware of that or that everyone has time travel powers, but they don't use them to go further back and stop everything, moments like that show the rushed production. The Characters are very relatable and likeable, the problem is that there can be moments they do that don't make sense, like Silver just joining Sonic and the game expects us to not see what happened before any kind of deal, or that one of the trials that man gives Sonic is called the intelligence challenge and it's only based on luck. The Voice acting is also bad, it consistently goes back forth between meaningful and badly read lines. The Graphics are well stylized but look unfinished, they look fake compared to other games, even worse ones. The Gameplay is half good and half bad, it's good because running, jumping and fighting enemies are really fun to do that the many possibilities makes the gameplay never feel repetitive, but it's bad because the of the technical problems that plague the game. Unfinished animations on normal people, long loading screens everywhere, and even stepping above curbs on objects, the camera glitches like as of your in entering an invisible new side of a portal, and this is worse when you have to go along the tops of roofs to get rings, and I heard many glitches and bugs appear throughout the entire game, I'm lucky my one's were not game breaking one's minus the one I mentioned already. The Music is awesome easily the most finished thing in this game, and the tunes themselves help bring this world to be as beautiful as it can for each kind of moment. Sounds go from finished to, could have been better. Sonic 06 is not good thanks to its problems, but it is far better than critic and fans have been calling it.

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This is the best game of the trilogy. The Story is that a woman named Katherine Marlowe who Nathan faced against in the past is after something valuable in a missing city somewhere, and Nathan and his allies have to find it before Marlowe can, the story is easily the best of the three, there's more depth to it, explores more of certain characters, and more than ever do certain locations feel like an adventure of itself. The Characters are all great, including returning ones, new ones are likeable, and interesting despite them not doing much in the overall game, and the villains of Talbot is good, and Marlowe with her wicked behavior and attitude makes her the best villain of the trilogy. The Graphics are beautiful as always, and the cinematic moments give them more opportunities to shine than ever before. The Gameplay is the same as before, and still done as good as before, but slightly better with more interesting story moments that lead to them, (just remember that the difficulty setting is determined by how many bullets in take to kill, so playing the game on explorer makes it the most realistic), the only thing I didn't like was the fact that sometimes when I was playing, enemies would spawn in areas I'm taking cover in causing me to get killed a lot, especially since I didn't know that the difficulty setting was determined by bullets to kill enemies until I finished the game and tested it. The Music is even more impactful than before, with tracks that really pull into the mood more times than the first two games (even though they had soundtracks that pulled me in as well, but this one did it even better with it's improved direction). Uncharted 3: Drakes Deception improves on Uncharted 2, the same way Uncharted 2 improved on Uncharted 1, and that says a lot.