Log Status






Time Played

14h 25m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

October 9, 2021

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


Being Ember's lab first game, Kena is a gorgeous looking game with Pixar looking cutcene's and great song design, as the studios previous experience with animation shines.

One of the best parts of Kena it's the rots, those adorable little creature that make everything seems worth playing , you find hats for them, play with them, so good.

The most contradictory part of this game is the combat, while it does get good after you go through some upgrades, for me it was the least interesting part of the game. And that it's the thing the game could improve most.

Because Kena's gameplay has separate parts, and some are very interesting like platforming (using the great upgrades to the bow) and exploring to find more Rot's , Hats, and Spirit Mails. And the combat just isn't, it takes too much of a lead role in the game and that's not where the game excels.

Overall great game, the narrative is touching and every character you met has a interesting tale to share with you, i hope that for the next game they focus more on this, because there was potential, even Kena with her amazing expressions could have used some more backstory.