I haven't felt engaged in an rpg to this level since I played Fallout New Vegas, what a game.

This didn't need to be a metroidvania

this is the perfect superhero game, everything is better.

"it bugs the crap out of me when someone talks more than I do" Dante is literaly me

the fact people don't like this game is shocking man

I sometimes feel increasingly disappointed when I realize there really aren't many experiences like a new series I love, or a new game I like, in this case, but at the same time, that really does make this the most unique experience I've ever had.

it's insane how I usually don't particularly like nes games besides megaman and castlevania yet this somehow managed to make exploration in one of these games fun

i see the appeal but after the final chapter which was phenomenal im just completely burnt out of this, i really only adored two chapters so I wouldn't say this is really for me. It feels like when it's great it's fucking great but when it's bad I really don't care about it.

This is such a great game and it'd be a perfect game if characters had more genuine screen time and finishes for their arc. If this game ever gets remade in hd2d I'd love to see the story expanded upon because this is the most jam packed interesting game ever

this changed my life and the way I view everything

so fucking fun and I wish it was longer, never played the genesis version