I truly can't believe I enjoyed this as much as I did. It has some rough parts, and the vampire sections were tedious at times.

Grind unfortunately gets way too bad, even for an idle game.

Fantastic multiplayer game

I have 20+ year old account so...

Was pretty hard as a kid, but enjoyable. Didn't like that there was some things locked behind multiplayer, for a game that it was impossible to find other people playing. Enjoyed but would not go back and play again.

The only reason that this got 2 stars is that,despite how much I disliked it's bland story, horrible screen tearing, unimaginative combat, forgettable cast, and game breaking glitches I DID finish it at least. So that has to be something in it's favor. I guess.

A fairly solid game, but overshadowed by its PS2 predecessor.
Taking a full .5 stars off for Lymle however.

I think this is the best in the series.

Absolutely does not age well, but damn was this one of my favorite games as a kid.

Probably a weird 5 for me, but getting to the point of ultimate power in this game from soul farming is incredibly satisfying.

Will pretty much never get tired of playing this game.

Between SR2 and SR4 the best part of this game is the soundtrack.