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KILL3RB3RRY completed Star Wars Jedi: Survivor
A fun action packed experience bringing life to the Star Wars franchise. I may be in the minority here as I thought the Jedi Fallen Order was better in nearly every way except for movement. The characters are great but are stuck in a mediocre story. The graphics are gorgeous but are constantly having to adjust or are not textured for long periods of times making the game extremely ugly. The gameplay is great but in an open world that is boring and bland. I don’t know why they changed the formula from the first when it worked so well. Don’t get me wrong the game was still great and is well deserving of a 4. But it’s the saddest 4 to give

59 mins ago

KILL3RB3RRY is now playing SpiderHeck

2 days ago

KILL3RB3RRY is now playing Borderlands 3

4 days ago

13 days ago

KILL3RB3RRY completed Immortals of Aveum
A good attempt from a new studio but really lacks direction. Each aspect to a good video game is tried but never fully realised. The characters are great but provided terrible lines. The story starts off strong but becomes a confusing mess. The skill trees are there but lack variety. The open world is asking to be explored but provides lacklustre content at best. The magic based combat was the strong point but did not pair well with the enemies or core mechanics. Again a good attempt but doesn’t surpass your average game.

13 days ago

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