129 reviews liked by KIN3TILLO

Idc how dumb and repetitive this game is. It's a total blast. The soundtrack slaps, and I love getting the cheat codes to make my character a literal god. I don't care about missions or story in a Saints Row game. I just want to blow shit up with a dubstep gun.



I'm a sucker for atmospheric storytelling in games so of course I was gonna love this. This could've so easily been "ha ha funny cat game, press O to meow" but instead the developers went the extra mile and created a very entertaining puzzle adventure with excellent ambience and very lovable characters. The moody lighting and dark synth soundtrack do wonders to create a gloomy, almost oppressive world, but despite that this is one of the most relaxing and charming games I've played in a long time. There are so many fun little details hidden in this game, like the paper bags that invert your controls after your cat puts them on its head, or the fact that you can trip people walking down stairs if you walk in front of them at just the right moment. The small sandbox like areas are fun to explore, the writing is great, it looks gorgeous, everything really is firing on all cylinders here. I guess if I could complain about anything it's that I wish there was a waypoint system to make it a little easier to find where you need to go next, but the game is not worse for lacking one. This is going to be one of the sleeper hits of 2022, mark my words.

Cloudpunk toma una decisión que me parece acertadísima para un juego ambientado en una ciudad cyberpunk: nos pone en el control de una repartidora de paquetes (además, inmigrante). Eso nos permite ver la ciudad desde todas sus capas, a medida que vamos arriba y abajo, conocer sus gentes y experimentar sus vidas. Creo que hace muy buen trabajo a la hora de representar injusticias presentes y futuras relacionadas con las tecnologías, pero me hubiera gustado que se hubiera contentado con este constumbrismo, ya que no termina de convencerme el rumbo que toma con su historia hacia al final.

efectivamente; cambia cada diez segundos

Say it with me, everyone!


I would have given it zero stars, but it wouldn’t let me and the amiibo is kinda cool; although I payed €10 for an Amiibo and a game box.

The most memorable part of this game is that Scott the Woz hates it.

Don't tell him I thought it was a good game, please.

Scott, why didn't I listen to you?