There are two reviews here, the first one is my first attempt at the game on "challenging" difficulty, I abandoned the game 3/4ths of the way through, the second review is my second attempt where I complete the game on "regular" difficulty. On the first playthrough I gave it a 1.5/5, on the second playthrough I give it a 2/5

A classic "boomer shooter", one of the more talked about titles.

I played this game on challenging. and holy shit is it challenging, but not in the right way. older games are always very unforgiving and hard, but Soldier of Fortune is just filled with jank and straight up bullshit. You will find yourself repeatedly getting sniped by enemies that are out of your view distance, You will find yourself walking around a corner or opening a door and literally the frame you do this a sniper has killed you. Enemies sometimes miss like storm troopers while other times having perfect aim and not missing a shot. Enemies will completely blend into the environment, especially when further away. Their accuracy does not change depending on how far away they are.

The character movement is somewhat slippery and not all that precise.

Now, most the guns are really awesome. The shotgun feels really great to use, but level design mostly punishes you for using it, as it will go from close quarters to long range back and forth with every step you take, so I found myself having to use the SMGs most of the time. The Uzi and SMG are both really fun to use, and feel good. The sniper is terrible and doesn't flow with the rest of the game at all. The first pistol is dogshit but the ripoff Deagle is really good, but can feel inaccurate, maybe that's just me being bad. I didn't even get to the point where I used Machine guns or anything like that, as this game has just frustrated me with all the janky bullshit. There is a lot of trial and error as well.

The game itself looks really good, characters look interesting and so does the map aesthetics, and the sound is superb. This seems like the type of game that I'd love, but I'm sick of opening a door and getting shot one frame later. Also the turrets and tanks are ridiculously strong. I didn't try a lower difficulty, so I don't know how those fair. If you play this, I strongly advise not playing on challenging, as you will die a lot, with 90% of the deaths not being your fault.


Ok so, nearly a year later or something, I watch a youtube video where the guy just jerks off about how great this game is, so I say man, maybe the game just sucks on challenging, so I decide to playthrough it on regular, and I fully completed it.

It's not the worst shooter in the world, it's just completely average. The gun models and sounds are fucking awesome, the gore and all that is great, but the gameplay itself is just average.

So I found on challenging I'm just constantly dying from cheap deaths and getting shot by enemies I can't even see, here I found I died only a handful of times, most of my deaths being in the final level. It's fucking LEAGUES easier just one difficulty down. I think it's too easy here, but at least it feels like the game was made with this difficulty level in mind.

The biggest challenge now is just getting through the fucking levels, and this is my biggest problem with the game: the level design is shit. I feel like most levels was just me aimlessly wandering around hallways and rooms that all looked identical until I finally found where I was supposed to go. The worst offender of this is the factory level where you have to find and turn 4 little knobs around a massive factory, shit's just annoying.

BTW the machine gun is easily the best gun in the game, as everything else either doesn't get enough ammo or is weaker.

Overall this is just an average FPS campaign, nothing special here really, John Mullens is a cool character and there's some awesome stuff in here, but it's just not that fun. Average game I say.

A bonus note, I feel like I'm fucking crazy for not liking this game. scouring reviews across the internet, everyone fucking loves it and compares it to other FPS greats, and they all talk about how satisfying and fun it is. Its like they saw the shooting but not the levels. This really should be a game I love on paper, but it's just so annoying. I don't understand how someone could love this game, as it's just so insanely flawed. Maybe I still don't understand Soldier of Fortune, but after two playthroughs, I'm done with it and 2 is final.

Played on a PS2 Fat

Now, I am not a racing fan. The only racing games I've really played was Mario Kart and Forza and I'm good at Mario Kart, but I literally couldn't win a race online in Forza. I've hardly played any realistic racing games is what I'm saying, and while I know Gran Turismo is like kinda a mix of simulation and arcade it's realistic for me. Just wanna let you guys know I know very little in this genre.

I really enjoyed this game. I was super frustrated at first, as I couldn't win any races and I didn't understand how literally any of the mechanics worked. But I slowly learned and learned, I started passing the licenses easily and winning races. The learning curve is truly masterful, really feels good to finally understand how to do a sharp turn. It's also notable even after learning how to win, races are still thrilling and fun. I never lost that sense of intensity.

The car selection is huge, especially for a PS1 game. I know the second game is even larger but I haven't played anything else in the series yet. All the cars are cool and feel different. There are like 5 sections of different types of vehicles I think, and each is like a completely different planet. Even changing between cars that are the same type is a noticeable difference. I'm not a car guy at all, but the cars in this game are pretty cool as well. Modding your cars is also a nice feature and adds depth.

I just wanna talk about the soundtrack for a second, the soundtrack is fucking killer. Literally almost every song is fucking great, really makes you wanna race. Even the menu music is super good, and how every dealership has their own unique music, and all of them sound great. I love this soundtrack.

I only played the traditional mode, where you start out with some cash and buy a shitty car, then build your way up through gaining licenses and winning cups. It has a great flow to it and is a lot of simple fun.

The maps were somewhat simple cause y'know, there's only so much they can possibly do, yet somehow each map feels distinct and you'll know every map by heart after some time playing. This game also looks great for a PS1 game, one of the best graphically I've seen.

All in all, Gran Turismo is a legendary racing game and has a lot to offer, it's aged quite well I think and I'd highly recommend it. Play it.

Played on the PS Vita

I think this is a pretty solid game for the PSP, it's got a decent roster, and it looks like a kinda ugly PS2 game, but it runs great so.

The career mode is solid, the character creation suffices and it's a satisfying enough game-loop. The enemy AI is kinda brain-dead though and too easy.

It's OK!

It's a good time waster and can be fun but it feels pretty unpolished. The early access shows. I'd wager game dev tycoon is better.

I like the game!

it's quite innovative for its time. That's it. In gameplay it's basically the same thing as the other star wars arcade game.

Not much else to say on this one.

(See all my Star Wars Rankings and reviews on my profile here, the list is titled "Star Wars Ranked.")

Another meh Star Wars Atari game

Cool graphics and all, also cool to have voice lines, but the gameplay is kinda boring, you can just go through objects and it doesn't matter. You can also basically beat the game in like 5 minutes.

It's an old arcade game so there's no ending or anything it's just a never ending game where you try to rack up score.

Just kinda dull, not much going on here, but it functions so that's a plus.

(See all my Star Wars Rankings and reviews on my profile here, the list is titled "Star Wars Ranked.")

This is actually not the worst thing ever.

Super ambitious game for 1983, and it's actually somewhat fun and exciting. Just kinda weird controls but yeah not terrible. If this were made later and NOT for the Atari it'd probably be much better.

Worth checking out I think honestly, this may be the best Atari Star Wars game.

(See all my Star Wars Rankings and reviews on my profile here, the list is titled "Star Wars Ranked.")

Completely forgotten game

I remember this was one of the launch titles and I got it in 2013 at launch. Played it with my family, and uh yeah, it was a disappointment lol. We never had the 360, so we never experienced the sham that was the Kinect, I believe Fighter Within was my true first time playing a Kinect game.

This game has a cast of forgettable characters, forgettable stages, I can't even remember the music or if there even was music.

The actual fighting, the actual game, sucks. And it's not even entirely it's fault, the blame can be placed on the Kinect sucking. Game play devolves into two people standing in front of their tv and swinging their arms around like a psycho. It's just shiet.

This game has been completely forgotten by just about everyone, even mostly me. I wonder if when I'm old I'll somehow see this game and have no fucking idea what it is lol.

The launch of the Xbox One had some ROUGH games man.

A Super Mid Party

The game is Mario Party. it's serviceable and I've had fun with it with friends. But I bought it for $60, and this game is not worth $60, it's got a lack of content.

A fairly decent character roster, but nothing really exciting or cool, just the standard and expected roster for any Mario related game, and a handful of lesser known or just smaller unique characters, like common enemies are playable, thank god Diddy's here at least. Just a solid plain roster. That's a common theme of this game, everything just seems kinda plain. Though I do enjoy the idea of each character having their own dice, and luckily characters I usually play have good dices lol.

The biggest issue of the entire game comes here: only four boards in the entire game. I mean that is a laughably small amount of boards, the first Mario Party for the Nintendo64 had double that. The maps are solid no doubt, but they seem to lack a certain charm to it, it feels kinda soulless and empty idk why. But the lack of maps is the major issue to this game.

I like a lot of the game modes and they have cool ideas with the joycon but I find myself bored of the games and they get stale relatively fast.

The raft mode is kinda nonsense, most the bonus modes are, but at least it's content right. I guess it is worth this is the first real Mario Party on the go, but who's gonna drop an hour- two hours out and about.

Online play is only available for mini games and not actual games, and it's just like why? it makes no sense really. I feel like a fucking board game would be the easiest game to add online for. Just a bizarre choice to not include full online, but the true way to experience Mario Party is with friends in real life of course, so, not the end of the world.

Overall not the worst game, it's a competent Mario Party game that checks off a handful of boxes, but with a complete lack of content is gets stale fast. And the game overall just feels like it has a lack of soul. All these problems are amplified when seeing the new Mario Party Superstars, which is basically better than this game in just about every single way. I have not played this new game but it seems to me Super Mario Party is rendered obsolete by it. Definitely not worth the $60 dollars I spent, I'd say this is worth like $30 bucks.

Yeah, serviceable, but you're now probably better off playing other entries in the series.

Best Mario Kart ever

I played this game nonstop as a kid, the news of having to go to Kindergarten sucked as it meant I couldn't play Mario Kart Wii as much. I was a fucking wizard, no one, not even my dad, could even contest me in Mario Kart. I was a god amongst men. Now in MK8 Online, I still have prowess but people know such advanced tactics that they're able to beat me (fucking gold mario players)

I recently went and replayed through the entire game (unlocking everything) on the Dolphin Emulator, I used an Xbox One controller and mapped it as a gamecube controller, It worked very well.

This game has the best roster in any Mario Kart game EASILY. Not all these stupid variations of Mario or Peach or something, but a bunch of fan favorites. The inclusion of Funky Kong was just a bonus, and Diddy Kong is a must have in Mario Kart. Seriously why the fuck is Diddy not in MK8? Rosalina was a great addition, you have more abstract characters like Birdo. It seems most Mario Games from the Wii era had the best rosters.

The track selection is very solid, though Baby Park is noticeably absent, and unfortunately Dino Dino Jungle is also missing. Still, the track list is expansive and great, featuring 8 whole Cups, which is a lot. Koopa Capes is my favorite map. Also Wii has the best Rainbow Road 100%.

Also to note, the graphics in this game look great, everything is so aesthetically pleasing and has so much charm to it. This also applies to the music.

I think the game plays much tighter than Double Dash, and is therefore less chaotic. But this game is way harder than Double Dash. The AI fucking hates you, they're all out to get you. on 150 cc and mirror, the AI is gonna hit you like a million times, you could be speed running the map and you bump into a corner once, and it's all over. Shits rough.

This is just the best Mario Kart in almost every aspect for me. If you struggle with the controls, plug in a classic or game cube controller, or if you're emulating like me use any controller. It works great.

A must play game.


Really slippery, just controls like shit. Game isn't fun, you just go and shoot at the death star. also little ships fly in and shoot you which is impossible to react to.

It's a classic Atari game that includes: Spaceship, shoot laser, explosion go boom.

I don't really have much else to say about this game, it's just bad and not worth playing.

(See all my Star Wars Rankings and reviews on my profile here, the list is titled "Star Wars Ranked.")

Completed on Medium difficulty.

As much as I want to give this game a higher review, I cannot justify giving it any higher than a 2.5 star. This is all due to the level design.

The level design is legitimately some of the most asinine shit I've ever seen in a video game. It is absurdly cryptic and confusing, almost every level is plagued with really unclear puzzles and huge sprawling layouts that are completely unhuman and really make no sense. I mean you go through bases that make legitimately no sense, I don't understand how these stormtroopers even navigate these places. Every level has a massive scope to it, it feels more like a sandbox than a level, everything is just placed at seemingly random, there are countless rooms that serve literally no purpose. It's insane.

It is really unfortunate that the level design is so horrendous, because there's so much good in this game. The movement is awesome, powers? Awesome. Gunplay? Awesome. Cutscenes? Awesome. Story? Awesome. Sounds, aesthetics, etc. There's so much awesome stuff here, but by god the level design just ruins it all.

Also, the lightsaber could be stronger, and the blocking is extremely finicky and inconsistent. You could be staring a man dead into his soul and Kyle Katarn just won't block his strike.

Also, Dash Rendar > Kyle Katarn TBH

It's quite similar to its predecessor in that the abysmal level design ruins everything else, but it's still way more fun and cool than the first, and I actually finished it all the way through so, that says something.

Oh one more thing, this game would be an actual nightmare, a straight up .5 out of 5 if it weren't for the quicksaving feature, so thank goodness for that. Levels can be insanely long.

(See all my Star Wars Rankings and reviews on my profile here, the list is titled "Star Wars Ranked.")

This is a review for the NES version, made by Sunloft.

Really fucking boring game, just walk around and shoot things, it's not fun at all tbh, really slow paced and lame. Sprites are pretty boring to look at as well.

There's little to no music at all in this game.

This game just seems really lazily made, just nothing interesting here, maybe it'd be more fun in the 2 player co-op mode, which I didn't play.

Probably not worth checking out for anyone.

As everyone already knows, this game fucking sucks.

Luckily I didn't buy this game, as after playing the beta I saw that this was not gonna be good. The person I'm file sharing with did however, so I've gotten full access to the game, played on PS5.

I've always been a big battlefield guy, always preferred it over COD or Halo, until BFV lol. But this is way worse than BFV, this game is missing a lot of features that the majority of past BF games have had.

I mean we're talking no scorecards, no changing
teams, no changing squads, no 5 man squads, no consistent servers (though there are in portal) HUGE lack of gun variety, seriously BF4 had more guns than 2042 and Portal combined AT LAUNCH.

The game is an unfinished half-baked mess, missing a boatload of features, all neatly put in a reddit post somewhere, you can find it if you want.

Also a huge issue is in the core game itself; it doesn't know what it wants to be. Getting rid of the class system and replacing it with a hero system was terrible, classes are core to what makes Battlefield Battlefield. It's been speculated and rumored BF2042 was originally made as a battle royale, but they scrapped that and had to make an actual battlefield game from it within 18 months. And I believe it. The hero system doesn't really work well at all in conquest lol, also only two game modes not including portal? what a joke. The hero system allows for more micro transactions (skins for each hero), I think this is also a big reason why they made this change.

The maps are all horrendously large and don't promote infantry game play, I mean seriously if you're infantry you're dying a lot in this game. None of the maps are very innovative or creative, just bland whatever type maps. Also destruction is very minimal, Bad Company 2 had more destruction for fucks sake.

With the introduction of 128 player matches (doubling the player count of past games) This makes the game extremely laggy! Servers will constantly struggle to support this many players and you will constantly experience this "rubber-band" effect. And idk if this is because of lag, but the hit registration is broken.

I could go on for days about how much this game fucking sucks, but I don't really have to, everyone else already has and you get the point.

Game sucks, don't buy it and support such shitty launches.


Extremely unbalanced game where whoever is the human has virtually no chance of surviving, and the boss fight is literally impossible. Not fun! After we all repeatedly failed the boss fight, we called it quits.