Meh, pretty obsolete game, just doesn't bring anything to the table.

In my opinion, any fighting game that only has a d-pad and 2 buttons is doomed to fail unless it's very movement based, and Karate Champ has extremely stiff and slow movement.

It's just a clunky silly little game. The levels are interesting to look at but change literally nothing, there's no music for matches either, which makes the game feel more boring.

Idk, just not much here.

Played this on PS5 in Fidelity mode, Platinum'd it on the second hardest difficulty.

This is a pretty damn good 3D action platformer. On a technical and graphical standpoint, this game is phenomenal, the graphics look so beautiful, and the feeling of instantly going from one area to the next was such a neat feeling, really gives you a sense of "this is next gen". All the controls are very fluid, combat is consistent like 90% of the time, and the camera is solid but could be better.

Now, some issues; Most of the worlds weren't all that interesting for me, like they were just OK in terms of aesthetic, memorability, etc. Though, I can't remember ANY of the planet names cause they're just a bit forgettable. My favorite planet being the Pirate one just cause I like that aesthetic. All the places are very beautiful in their own right, but they just feel somewhat uninspired and lacking creativity. Along with this, the music is completely forgettable, I cannot even think of a single song from this game.

The game got pretty old for me towards the end. The combat most notably gets pretty tiring after awhile. I want to say there's like 5-6 primary enemy types, and you've seen them all like halfway through the game. Idk man combat is just pretty simple, linear, and not all that satisfying. There are some difficulty spikes which were nice, but in general, even if you were to play on the hardest difficulty, the game is easy, but yk this is a modern kids game so what do you expect. Combat is clean, easy to control, but just a bit mind-numbing and dull. The combat in this game gives me a very similar feeling of boredom I get from the combat from Insomniacs Spider-Man. It looks exciting, but it really isn't.

This complaint is entirely personal, as anyone else could disagree. I think the story is boring and lame, all the characters are boring and lame, and none of the humor in this is funny. The story is as generic as one could make for this template of game. Rifts open, characters meet with their counterpart from other rift and all team up and work together in harmony. I mean seriously, the 4 main characters are always just loving eachother and it's just dull. The whole bit between Rivet and Kit just feels like I'm watching a movie made for 8 year olds, was clear that'd be resolved, in-fact, the entire story is extremely predictable. The characters and humor feels borderline corporate, like a modern Disney movie but without the Disney charm.

Despite my complaints, this is a pretty solid game that I'd recommend. It does exactly what it wants and offers an enjoyable experience. It's just an average 3D platformer. Just dull at times, and will likely be forgotten to time, I know I'll certainly forget about this game through the years.

Still though, if you just want a simple fun adventure 3D platformer/shooter game this is a good pick.

In my opinion, this is the best game in the Assassins Creed series, and will be probably forever.

I think the weakest aspects of this game is the standard Assassins Creed stuff, y'know, trailing missions, swapping back to a modern first person thing, shitty modern story, just a lot of bogged down stuff typical for the series, I mean the intro takes fucking forever to get through.

But the pirate stuff is excellent, despite the pirate genre being very thin, this is up there with Sea of Thieves and Sid Meier's Pirates! The open world is really fun to explore, the combat both Naval and melee is flashy and fun. and the actual pirate story is entertaining.

Bogged down by the series it's in, yet still manages to be an excellent pirate game.

If you wanna see my rankings as I go through the series, click here.

I mean it's OK I guess

Everything feels really loose and sloppy tbh, I understand this is an Indie game but man it just feels cheap, idk, nothing really felt good and it was kinda boring after only a couple minutes.

Just more of the base game, it feels like getting another zone. The new little mini-games and interactions are fun, the new armors and other gears you get are pretty cool too. Really like this one, this is a prime example of what an expansion should be. Adding more to the game, while also adding sprinkles of new stuff.

Pretty neat little multiplayer expansion, just feels a little too void and messy, also the grind is too much for my taste. It's OK!


Interesting concept, the worst possible execution.

Now, I'm gonna assume you all know already. This game had some of the most insulting micro transactions I've ever seen, like it was ludicrous. I'm not gonna go into that much, just know the micro transactions were horrendous.

There was a pretty big lack of content in this game. Within one long play session, you've seen everything Evolve has to offer. lack of maps, characters, monsters, etc.

This is personally what I think is the biggest issue of the game, is the actual game itself. I like the concept, I think it could be awesome, but this just isn't. It is so unbelievably not fun to just wander around a map for 3 quarters of a match, and then fight. It's not fun for either team to just dick around and do nothing. This game is like 15% fun and 85% boring as fuck.

A true embarrassment for Turtle Rock. Don't recommend at all.

The name of the game tells you exactly what you're in for.

This game, while not perfect, is a masterpiece. I kinda hated the crafting system but it makes sense, and the main story is just kinda in the background and is kinda bare bones, but this is first and foremost an adventure game. And I'd say this is one of the best adventure games ever, possibly the best. I'm not even a Zelda fan, but the pure atmosphere and sense of adventure is phenomenal, it completely immersed me in the world. This game is bustling with creativity and charisma. It oozes charm. Filled with content, so much to explore and discover.

Just a blast. A must play.

This is a pretty fun little game, but it gets old.

Wanna start off by giving a brief story of my play through, I started with one crew and made it all the way to the end without ANYONE dying, the veterans of the war were tasked with the final mission of killing Hitler, and they did it. Unfortunately, on their way back home, the plane was shot down and they all died. They made it all the way through the entire campaign and even killed Hitler, only to be shot down at the very end. RIP

This game is basically just micro-managing a British bomber plane in WW2, and you go on little bombing missions and whatnot. It's simple yet fun and charming.

You can upgrade a ton of ship parts, a ton of your crews gear, etc. It's a fun game play loop of gaining more xp and money and further upgrading your plane and crew mates.

The real problem is when you've played this game too long, it just starts to drag on. You've seen all the mission types and stuff just gets repetitive. Like the second half of the game I was maxed out on all my equipment and was just trying to finish the game cause I was getting pretty damn bored. I always want games leaving me wanting more, but this game does the exact opposite. It overstays its welcome hard.

I haven't played the USAAF campaign as it's DLC and I haven't played the challenge mode, I also mostly ignored the secret weapons shit as it just wasn't fun, so this is just a review on the base game.

This is a game I'd definitely recommend as it's pretty damn fun, just don't expect to finish it unless you're committed and able to stomach some repetitiveness.

Alright, 13 hours in, I'm calling it quits.

This game just makes me sad honestly. It has a really great setup with an interesting premise. The first chapter is interesting and engaging, the world is legitimately beautiful and the map is awesome. The past couple of years all these Ubisoft games have had insanely good maps, I just wish the actual gameplay was better. I want to see a better game on this map.

Ok so, first things first, this isn't even an assassins creed game, idk why they even bother calling it that. This doesn't bother me, as I never really cared about that, my favorite game in the franchise is Black Flag and I just pretended to be a pirate more than an assassin. But not only is it not AC in story, it isn't AC in gameplay. They've given us the ability to crouch which is cool I guess, but every other stealth mechanic is completely half-baked and neutered. They clearly didn't care about stealth when making this game, as you are basically required to engage in open combat 80% of the time. This is due to two things: a lack of stealth mechanics such as blending into the crowd, smoke bombs, etc. And the leveling system. This leveling system makes a lot of enemies impossible to assassinate, only injure, which of course leads to open combat. So uh, yeah, this isn't an Assassins Creed game.

So, you'll be forced into combat the huge majority of the game, how is it? The combat feels weirdly floaty and unsatisfying. Everything feels look and it's difficult to gage distances, both for you trying to hit someone and trying to avoid their attacks. The combat is really easy though, as you can just dodge out of everything, and health yourself whenever you get hit, but if an enemy is too many levels above you, it's basically impossible to kill them as it will take fucking ages. Even enemies your level take forever to kill, and this makes combat feel like a chore. It takes 5 minutes to kill fucking anyone, and the combat is NOT deep enough to sustain this length. It's legitimately boring combat.

Alright, I'll talk about the level system. It kills this entire game. The grind for leveling up is fucking ludicrous. It makes the entire game feel like a grind. In 13 hours of gameplay I've just constantly grinding quests and locations, yet I'm only level 17, the max is 99. The whole world levels up around you, always basically being at your level or above your level, so leveling up isn't even satisfying. In most open world games as you progress you feel stronger and stronger, here I feel exactly as strong as I did at the start of the game, which is quite weak. Honest, if this had the mechanics of Black Flag it would be my favorite game of the series, but this RPG bullshit just pads out the game and makes it an insufferable grind.

This is a beautiful Greek open world game with pretty fun ship combat and mediocre on-foot combat/stealth all locked behind a terrible rpg system designed to waste your time and make you buy time-savers. Really unfortunate, I really wish this game was better, as I'd 100% love it if it weren't for the rpg level system. in a world where I could just throw money at all the time savers this would be a decent game, but that's not this world. Oh and man, I didn't even talk about all the copy-and-paste content, lol.

The game, is fun.

I was expecting more tbh, but what is here is mostly good.

Only 6 games, 3 of them are net based games, 2 of them are racket and net based games. So there's a pretty big lack of diversity of sports here.

Volleyball is cool and all but gets repetitive kinda fast for me personally. It's a welcome addition but I'm not interested in it much honestly.

Soccer is the most unique and interesting addition to this game I think. It's pretty fun though kicking it in the direction you want can be frustrating at times. Pretty fun one I think. There's also a special shoot-out mode where you use a leg strap, it kinda sucks and is just a little time waster, nothing more.

Bowling is bowling. Nothing more to say on this one, it's almost exactly the same as the Wii Sports one but the online mode is like an elimination style bowling game.

Tennis is my favorite gamemode, and it's the one I've played the most. It's very similar to the Wii Sports version but a smidgent more in-depth. It's pretty fun but similar to soccer, it can be a little frustrating to hit the ball in the direction you want at times. Badminton is super similar just a little more slower and less interesting I think. Also only 1v1 is possible in badminton.

Lastly, Chambara. Nintendo people are a bunch of pussies for not just making it sword fighting again. It's pretty fun though, very similar to the Wii Sports Resort sword fighting mode. There's three different types of swords you can use and that adds some depth. pretty good stuff.

I believe they plan on adding golf in an update, and I hope they continue to add more games, cause this game needs more content and diversity. Within one game session you can experience everything the game has to offer.

Onto the characters, they look lame. I refuse to use them and will only use the Mii characters. Mostly all cosmetics you unlock are only usable for the regular characters, and not the Mii characters. Very lame and bad decision. They should've just stuck with only Mii characters, idk why they made these other characters, they look so soulless.

The cosmetics are mostly mid from what I've seen, nothing really popping out. It gives you some motivation to keep playing but definitely not enough.

The graphics look nice but boring. Nothing aesthetically interesting anywhere. Just looks pretty average.

Lacking in content, lacking in sport diversity, lame and soulless aesthetics and characters, not Mii focused, lackluster cosmetics, no charm, and yet I give it a 3. I give it a 3 because the games that are here are just fun. Despite them getting old after a couple hours, they're pretty fun, and just as in-depth as the original Wii Sports games were. It also seems extremely vital that you play this game online to get more use out of it. I really wanted more from this but this is still a game that provided me with entertainment and fun, and most games really aren't that fun.

I recommend playing this game, but maybe not for 40 dollars. maybe wait for it to be a little cheaper.

Played on Jedi difficulty. I DID IT!!! I BEAT THE TRILOGY! MY GOD IT WAS SO DAMN HARD!

This is easily the best of the trilogy, the tightest combat, tightest platforming, best level design, best characters, best bosses, best variety, you name it, this game is the best at it.

This is definitely the easiest of the three Super Star Wars games, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. The game is still very difficult, but it's difficult for the right reasons most of the time, whereas its predecessors were difficult cause of straight up bullshit. This game still has some bullshit but it's dialed down considerably.

You can play as jedi master Luke, Han, Chewbacca, bounter hunter Leia, slave Leia, rebel Leia, and Wicket the Ewok (lol). Luke is definitely the most fun character but some sections just straight up require you play as someone else to be able to beat them. Luke has a lot of force abilities and it generally is the same as Super Empire.

The bosses are far better than the first two because most of the bosses are ACTUALLY FROM THE FILMS! There are some random ass bosses but generally it's actually stuff from the movies.

There is a good chunk of variety in this game, the mode-7 is at its peak here. Though the speeder bike section sucks tbh. And the finale is quite possibly the hardest bit of all the games, it is insane, it put me in a trance to beat it. The amount of relief and accomplishment I felt when I got through it on my 1 millionth try was great.

The level design is much more thought-out and smart, though there were like two levels that just felt like a messy maze. Still, huge improvement from the first two games.

Seriously, the finale of this game is absolutely ridiculous. You have to beat Vader, beat the Emperor, then escape from the death star exploding, and that is insanely hard. It's a first person bit and my god man, it was just crazy.

If you want to play a Super Star Wars game or just a Star Wars platformer, this is easily the best pick. It's far more accessible than the last two yet brings a ton of challenge and excitement, it's actually fun and hard, whereas the last two were just annoying. I'd 100% recommend this game.

(See all my Star Wars Rankings and reviews on my profile here, the list is titled "Star Wars Ranked.")

Platinumed on PS5

Yep, It's Tekken.

This is Tekken at its most technical, I mean seriously the amount of moves and combos is just nuts. Out of all the modern fighting games, I think this is the one I play the most.

The roster is kinda wack honestly, not really my thing. This could just be nostalgia talking, but I've preferred rosters from many of the previous games and I'm not really a big fan of these new characters. Also, some of the classic characters are DLC? that's some scummy shit man. Overall, a pretty mid roster.

I don't really need to tell you about the actual gameplay, there's not much to say. It is again, the most technical Tekken, it's the most advanced and polished one. Everything is fluid and perfected.

The aesthetic of this game is ok, not really my kinda thing but it gets the job done. Also with the soundtrack, it's ok but just not really my style. Not a big fan.

Now discussing the story, it's pretty decent. I played through it all on the 5 star difficulty, and it's not that hard until the final boss, which I don't want to really spoil but fuck man that final boss is so hard, and it's just kinda balls. Giving your boss super armor does not make for a good final fight. Back to the story, it's like the overall story is confusing but the specific bit of the story in 7 is easy to understand and follow. It goes by pretty fast and pushes the story forward, and of course leaves an opening for Tekken 8. One thing though, kinda disappointing there's no tournament in this one, but it is what it is.

Highly recommend this game, it's kinda your only option for a modern Tekken, unless you've got a PS3 or 360 and want to go boot up Tag Tournament 2 or 6.

3rd best Tekken game ever made in my opinion.

Played on PS5 on hard difficulty

Now, it hurts to give this game a 2/5, but that's just how I feel. This is a beautiful little game and I respect the hell out of the small team that made this, but this just is a meh game.

The presentation is obviously beautiful, it look gorgeous. Everyone already knows that. But, one thing I noticed is that the entire map looks basically the same. I was worried of getting lost considering the entire maps looks like one area. The world is beautiful yet lacks diversity.

Also in terms of open world, there is no open world. This is an EXTREMELY linear game, and that's ok. Just throwing it out there.
There's like basically 4 or 3 zones in the game and they all kinda feel the same.

I was really not a fan of any of the characters in this game. They're all extremely boring and have no charm to them. I really didn't give a fuck about Kena or anyone else cause no one has any personality. Couldn't give two shits about this games story honestly man. Also the voice acting was kinda weird and goofy in some places, but it's ok.

The upgrade system was ok, but there are a handful of upgrades that just felt useless. It gets the job done though.

The puzzles in this game were stupid honestly. There is zero indication on what you even have to do, and it's like a hyper specific little detail that you have to recognize to get through some. And the ones that were easy just felt so fucking easy an ape could do it. I'm just gonna chalk this one up to bad game design.

There's like 3 or 4 main enemy types which get super old super fast, and there's a handful of bosses that all just have way too much health and take way too long to kill to where it just feels like a slog. The game overall is extremely easy up until the final two bosses, then stuff ramps up and it gets difficult. The final boss is like a fucking marathon I swear.

Movement in this game is also kinda annoying when trying to do tight movements or tight platforming, it can be annoying. But the most annoying bit of the movement that was driving me insane is that Kena just gets stuck on every little bit of the ground so its like your character is stuttering in place as you're walking. I haven't seen anyone else talk about this but I swear the ENTIRE game Kena would just get stuck on any terrain and would stutter and bump around when walking. It was so fucking annoying.

I didn't like the combat in this game. I can't decide if the story or the combat is the worst part of this game, but it's one of them. The game heavily punishes you for trying to do any melee combat, so the only way to consistently not get hit in combat is to just sit back with ur bow. Just shoot and run until enemies are dead. Shit is boring as hell. There is just no fun in this combat.

Really hate to shit all over this game as I highly respect the team that made this, but god damn this just isn't a fun game, I didn't like it man. It looks very good and all but yeah actual game play and story sucks. Really sad about it cause I was hyped for this the moment they showed it.