Doom 2016

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Probably one of the last times I remember playing a Demo and liking it so much I ran out and bought the game. Seriously before the SP demo I thought there was no way this game could be good. Back when this came out all FPS games were copying COD and everything felt generic. Seriously unreal how doubtful it seemed that this game could be good. But then it came out to great reviews and they released a demo. I was blown away playing it, how fast pace and different it was at the time.

All the shooting and weapon variety felt great. The story was interesting and probably the one aspect I think DOOM (2016) does better than eternal. While the stakes of Eternal are higher it also feels more corny in a way.

At the time I think I disliked the MP. The MP beta is what really took my interest away from the game. I don't know why I hated it so much. It's a fun but simple arena shooter. Maybe it has to many COD elements that wear it down. This was still the time when games had "thrown in" coop\MP modes to boost up the value. I miss that era a little, sure you got stinker MP modes on games that didn't need them but it was a nice surprise when one was good.