24 reviews liked by Kaiji97

Basic bitch cliff notes understanding of the most mainstream psychologists and philosophers possible. Dan Hentschel says more about psychology than this garbage.

Well this was a bit of a disappointment for me. Don't get me wrong it was good. If you have a fondness for the original or Remake it's probably worth continuing the series here and I'll certainly be there for the final chapter when that releases but this entry has problems.

I went back and read my review of Remake Intergrade and I complained that there weren't enough open areas with side quests and it felt like I was burning through the game too fast... Well they "fixed" that. The story beats are stretched incredibly far apart. At times I forgot what I was actually supposed to be doing because nothing of consequence happened for such long stretches. It feels mostly like padding with only a few actual story rich moments in the entire game. Sure you get the open world and side quests galore but they're mostly just MMO-style nonsense... "help me catch my chickens, go find this thing and bring it here".

The combat was still good. Felt balanced. I had fun switching the characters more this time instead of sticking to a core party. The music was an excellent rendition of the original tunes and the art style fit. It isn't a graphical powerhouse but it looks nice and the characters seem to fit well.

I guess this is a case of be careful what you wish for. Its a competent game but they overcorrected from Remake to here. The series still feels worthwhile but maybe not for new fans with limited time on their hands.

WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!! THEY ADDED Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: Challenger Pack 8, aka Sephiroth, the One Winged Angel TO Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, for the Nintendo Switch. Get the gaming system that lets you play the games you want, wherever you are, however you like. Bring the full home gaming system experience with you to the park, on an airplane, in a car, or to a friend’s apartment. Gaming icons clash in the ultimate brawl you can play anytime, anywhere! Smash rivals off the stage as new characters Simon Belmont and King K. Rool join Inkling, Ridley, and every fighter in Super Smash Bros. history. Enjoy enhanced speed and combat at new stages based on the Castlevania series, Super Mario Odyssey, and more!

Having trouble choosing a stage? Then select the Stage Morph option to transform one stage into another while battling—a series first! Plus, new echo fighters Dark Samus, Richter Belmont, and Chrom join the battle. Whether you play locally or online, savor the faster combat, new attacks, and new defensive options, like a perfect shield. Jam out to 900 different music compositions and go 1-on-1 with a friend, hold a 4-player free-for-all, kick it up to 8-player battles and more! Feel free to bust out your GameCube controllers—legendary couch competitions await—or play together anytime, anywhere!

Listen. This game sucks ass. I'm rating it 5 stars because this might be one of the best shitty games ever made. I've never laughed harder than when I streamed through the city escape driving section with my wife. The ambition of this title is constantly butting heads with how poorly the game is constructed and every impact causes something extremely unexpected and funny to happen. Bless this mess.

A massive improvement on the first game in pretty much everyway imaginable. Not without its problems but Just Cause 2 is a way more enjoyable experience than the clunky mess that its predecessor was.

The story is as simple as can be, Rico is once again thrown into a politically volatile country and has to kill its dictator. This time it is the island of Panau. I much prefer Rico in this game than the first, he doesn't only speak in one liners and has a smidge more personality to him. For some reason the entire voice cast was switched so the three returning characters all have new voice actors which is also the case for every game going forward, not sure if there is any specific reason. The main story itself is only 7 missions long but the game is padded out with required side content which I will go on to talk about in a bit.

The gameplay is an absolute blast. It improves so much on the first game through stuff like the grapple hook actually working, making health an actual concern instead of Rico being a bullet sponge and all around better controls. Don't get me wrong there is still a lot of jank, the flying controls are very hard to get used to and the camera doesn't always help and instead of the driving being more like gliding, I found it to feel really stiff. Best way to describe it is if I was trying to make a turn, the car wouldn't turn till the last moment and I would normally go flying off the road. Dont get me started on trying to use planes. Trying to take off on a plane was so weirdly frustrating as if you even breathe on the joystick the plane goes full tilt into the nearest wall. Sometimes it would just hit off something on the road and go flying backwards. It was like trying to ride a scooter on an ice rink. Despite all that they really nailed down series staples like the grapple mechanic and the gun combat. All in all it feels like a less polished version of Just Cause 3 which is to be expected.

Visually its a massive upgrade, thankfully they decided to ditch the uncanny valley cutscenes for more fitting character designs and cutscenes you would see on Xbox 360 games. Nothing really to note score wise.

My biggest complaint with this game is the chaos feature. Which I believe does become a staple going forward so it will be a bit of a reoccurring issue. Basically the main story is 7 missions long, to combat this in order to unlock the next story mission you have to run around doing missions all be it fun missions for the three biggest gang leaders in Panau. Now these missions were fun, none felt stale or repetitive and most where short enough to not drag on. My problem is with the fact that there are only so many of them. While waiting to unlock the last missions I had no faction missions left to do so I had to just fly around blowing up stuff in order to get enough chaos points to unlock more missions. Which again, was really fun but its something that did put me off a bit.

To put it simply, Just Cause 2 is really really fun. You get to fly around blowing stuff up and actually able to have an enjoyable experience in this game as it fixes what was terrible about the first one. Despite the lack of substance in the main story, I had a blast with this game. Im looking forward to replaying Just Cause 3 next to see if its as good as I remember. Solid recommendation.

I don't understand why this is so immensely popular. It's cheap-looking and very unengaging. If I wanted to walk around in circles while unfitting music played, I could just put on headphones and go outside. Playing this makes me feel like I'm thinking about playing a video game.

Replayed this for the sake of nostalgia and its themes of accepting your own death resonate with me even more now because this account is dying on May 27th, 2024

I opened up trending and gave a half star to one of the first games I saw
You may now laugh

Enjoyment - 7/10
Difficulty - 4/10

For a South Park game, it is great. Considering its adaptation history in video games, no one expected this game to be anything. It is a South Park RPG. Solid attempt. Light hearted and fun. This format would be later improved in the sequel.

The achievements were annoying with many chances to miss needed collectibles. I also experienced an annoying glitch that affected my collectible progress. Achieve at your own risk.

Peguei pra jogar antes do Rebirth.

Excelente forma de introduzir a Yuffie, gameplay extremamente divertida.

A side da tartaruga é legal e tem umas coisinhas irritantes e tediosas da história por ainda ter uma mão do Remake bem forte.

No geral curtinho e bom pra dar profundidade pra Yuffie antes d entrar oficialmente no Rebirth, obrigatório pra jogatina.