I hadn't played the first one as a kid when I found this at my library, but wow was it incredible as a huge LOTR fan. I must have made a hero for every single faction and played every single one. So much fun with this one.

Yeah, it's definitely just battlefront with a Lord of the Rings skin on it. It's still fun though, and has some great couch co-op. The campaign even has some fun levels that weren't included in the movies.

A phenomenal game. It borrows different things from different games, but they all feel like they fit in the LOTR universe. I had no problems with the lore changes because I found it all fun and enjoyable. Definitely the Lord of the Rings game I dreamed about having as a kid.

The batman game I always dreamed of playing as a kid. It seemed to do everything well. Graphics were great, voice acting top-notch, detective mode was fun, fighting felt good, stealth was amazing. The story was interesting as well, and it made me want to get all the collectibles which I usually never do. Definitely one of my favorite super hero games.

Improved on the first one in every way. Of a great franchise, this one is the best in my opinion. If you like batman, you owe it to yourself to play it.

Is it a little bloated and trying to do a bit too much? Yeah. But what a way to send off the franchise. A great story, an epic conclusion, and even though the batmobile was divisive for some, I enjoyed it.

I love warhammer, I love total war. I don't need much else. While magic can sometimes feel overpowered, and it doesn't feel quite as in-depth overall as past games, it is so much fun to see the tabletop figures come to life with such attention to detail.

Adds even more to an already fun game, and it has skaven. What's not to love?

Sure it feels a bit dated now (that end level omg), but the storyline is intriguing, and bullet time still feels fun. It seriously never gets old.

It was clearly rushed, but the devs still did a good job bringing SOMETHING to the table. The story doesn't make a ton of sense, and the time travel stuff is pretty gimmicky, but from a time when FPS games were being churned out like live-action games are now, you could do a lot worse.

I know this is the quintessential spider man game for most fans, but it fell a bit short for me. A bit repetitive in terms of fighting and missions, but the graphics and story are fun. I was a little disappointed because playing as venom felt pretty limited, but it's one of the few games that lets you play as him at all. The johnny storm races were excruciating though, and I couldn't bring myself to do them all.

The first spiderman game to really nail the web-slinging and it still feels great. The story is fun, and tons of classic characters show up. The only really annoying thing holding it back is that in order to rank up, you have to do side missions. And if you're doing side missions, you're doing a LOT of the same ones over and over.

They hadn't nailed the web-swinging quite yet, so it feels a bit stiff. Also being relegated to only the rooftops was still in effect at this time, and it feels pretty weird going back to that. It's still fun though, and being able to unlock the green goblin was a great touch.

It's a platinum game, you're in an armored suit sliding around shooting mechs. If that doesn't sound fun, it's not for you. If it does sound fun, you'll probably get some enjoyment out of this.

Fair warning, the graphics are pretty atrocious. It's hard to see what's going on. But it's still an open world game for the GBA and that in itself is impressive. The game has some BRUTAL levels though, and it took me growing up and becoming better at video games before I could beat it. Surprisingly short, but man did this game make car rides as a kid fun.