First of all, it's too expensive. I lucked out that my playthrough of kh3 ended in december, so I was able to snag this a few weeks later on sale, but I had it wishlisted for a few months before and it never dropped in price.
That being said, it was very fun to see what all your friends were doing while sora was doing the final fight. It was an epic fight too, and I thought it was done well.
The data fights are absolutely brutal, and are designed for all those people who dared to complain that kh3 was too easy. these are not easy.
Now for the cons, I'm pretty sure the voice actors for some of the main characters were different. Also, the mixing was wildly off for some of them. being too low, and not even sounding clean.
Also story wise, it does feel like a bit of rehash of the end of 3 until about halfway through.
It's a messy DLC, but there is still definitely something for everyone if you loved kh3.

Unfortunately this game was already shut down by the time I tried to play it, but maybe I should say fortunately. Reddit tells me it took almost 300 missions to even get to the title screen in game.
It was a mobile game. It was a gacha game. It was meant to be grindy, to waste your time, and try and encourage you to spend money.
Now all that being said, people do still love the story, and I must admit it was fun to see the world before the keyblade war and understand why it happened. In my opinion though, they still left a few holes that made me feel pretty lost, and like watching six hours of cutscenes on youtube might have been a BIT of a waste of time.
I do wish square would create a movie for it so at least we could have that and people wouldn't have to go download a dead app so they can view the cutscenes in a theater mode.

Another bit of good kh lore lost to time in a dead app yet again. this one in particular follows xehanort as a young keyblade wielder as he learns the truth about light and dark.
I enjoyed the story (I did have to mentally stop comparing it to star wars at a certain point or I would have gone crazy), but it was fun to see young xehanort and eraqus, and see what adventures led them to where they were in birth by sleep.
Once again I wish square would make a movie to summarize this for people who didn't get to play it.

Oh Nomura. Of course you put essential story into the VERY END of this game lol. Don't be fooled though, it is a fun rhythm game, and worth your time.
Kingdom Hearts consistently has some of the best music put to game, and the chance to enjoy that for hours on end shouldn't be overlooked. Now here's where my first gripe comes in. I liked the boss & cinematic fights much better because I loved the button holding element. I thought it was more fun, and flowed better with the rhythm of the songs. I wish it had just been that style the whole game, but it's nice you can choose that when you're just playing individual tracks.
Unironically, this is also a great refresher of the story so far. Kairi explains every game in a very digestible way, so you figure out exactly what's been going on if it's been a while since you've revisited the series.
My only other complaint is I wish the rpg elements played a bigger role in the gameplay. I really never noticed a difference between my different teams if they were different levels, and ended up just playing who I liked most (Team Days all day).

I had heard for so long that of the psx RE trilogy, this was sort of the black sheep. Just not as good. I have to say though, that I was pleased with how much I enjoyed this game. Now don't get me wrong it's not a perfect game, and it's much more action-oriented than say, RE 2, but I still had a ton of fun.
Letting you run through racoon city was a blast. The previous game definitely felt tighter in terms of story keeping it within the police station, but you really felt the scale of the city even for an older game. The guns also felt great, and I would have never been able to beat this game without the mine launcher so shout-out to that gun especially.
In terms of complaints, I have a few. For one I didn't like how boss encounters never gave you a way to defeat them. For example in RE 1 & 2, they always dropped a weapon during the final boss fight so you could always win even if you had no ammo. This game felt like you could almost soft-lock yourself if you were bad enough with the combat knife, and I definitely would have been. Dodging was extremely tricky and I never got the timing on it down. Also personally I didn't like making my own ammo. Just give me the different ammos I'll manage my inventory, don't make me put three things in my inventory to put one thing back.
All in all another great entry in the series, definitely a ton of fun, and Carlos is just too cool man

I'm not sure what the thought process was behind this one. Most card battlers I've played at least have fun animations, things happening on screen, this was so unbelievably dull. Just click a villains face to challenge them, go in to a battle on a beige background, where the cards have no amination to attack besides moving a bit.
It wasn't too terribly hard to figure out, and I won my first five battles, but it was just so incredibly boring that I dropped it. I even went online to check and see if anything happened if you beat the game and literally nothing changed. Such a strange entry in an otherwise amazing series. I'm not sure whose idea this was.

Just as a note, I'm playing it on the master chief collection, and it's disappointing that they ruined the textures by losing the code. Unfortunately, that makes the game look much worse than it actually did even in 2001. Also the lighting is pretty atrocious so I had to switch back to remastered graphics a lot during dark sections, which was pretty much the whole back half of the game.
Gameplay wise though, this is a fun game even in the current day. Enough old school jankyness that it adds some flavor, but competent enough shooting mechanics for it to feel polished. Piloting a warthog has be purely nostalgia based though because those things are the devil.
All in all it's a solid game made even more fun with friends in co-op, and I'm looking forward to going through the rest of the story, as it feels like it's only really starting to ramp up in terms of lore building.

Yeah, this ain't it chief. Terrible controls, a very dumb storyline, and confounding gameplay decisions make this game just a chore to play.
I played for two hours straight trying to find a save spot so I could go to bed, only to find out you can't save in this game. You have to play through the entire game in one sitting. I don't know whose idea that was, but I hate it. I ended up just closing the game and going and watching a playthrough on youtube of someone who knew what they were doing, because I wasn't going to sit for six hours trying to fumble through it on my own.
I honestly don't even remember anything about the characters and I just played it, that's how boring they are. This is definitely not one in the series you need to bother going back and visiting.

A strong follow up to CE. Better gunplay, dual wielding whichever guns you want, better story, better layouts, it's all here. I didn't grow up with Halo, so reminder that I'll never have the nostalgia goggles for it that some do, but I even I can recognize that this is a great game, even if I have some gripes with certain missions and certain boss fights.
The anniversary edition especially looks amazing with incredible cutscenes and sound design, and remastered music that sounds amazing.

An incredibly fun game that harkens back to the days of super fun co-op single player fps goodness that seems to be in short supply these days. The present flashing back to the past trope is nothing to write home about, but it's a cool story that runs parallel to halo 2, which I enjoyed.
A very fun final escort vehicle mission runs a TAD bit too long, maybe one too many doors, but I'm very curious to see how this all plays out as the asset at the end definitely has my interest piqued.
overall a tight runtime, good gunplay, co-op fun, and a vibey score made this a great time for a newbie like me to the series.