Fair warning, you're going to be able to tell it's a different studio. It feels different. And troy baker as joker instead of mark hamill is a bit jarring. But while it doesn't quite reach the heights of the other games in the series for me, it's still a very fun origin story for the saga.

It's rough to get the controls right on the PC, but once you do it'll be an enjoyable time. Some levels are pretty tough, and I have no IDEA how people get gold on missions, but I had a good time playing it, especially because of how much nostalgia I have from playing this at my friend's house with the joystick controller and being terrible at it.

I was expecting a rogue squadron clone at least, or an attempt, but it felt pretty different almost immediately. The last level especially is infuriating with the tight corridors and trying to not get blasted to pieces by the powerful AA cannons.

It's one of those that's rough to go back to now, and I got lost on a couple levels, but the lightsaber fighting still feels pretty good. I just wish I cared about Kyle a little more...

As a star wars kid, playing this felt unreal. You got to choose which missions to go on, pick your lightsaber color and force powers, it was almost everything I could ask for. Obviously going back now, it would probably feel pretty rough, but it was a great time when I played.


A weird one to be sure. My friend hyping this one up to high heaven didn't help either. It is enjoyable, but going back to it after we've had so many other games do everything it was trying to do better? Naw. I also wouldn't blame you for not touching it for the ending alone.

I just didn't have that much fun. Shooting was barely serviceable. I know the characters were supposed to be unlikeable, but man they almost are TOO unlikeable. It's just not very memorable.

I honestly almost didn't play it after playing the first one, but I have to admit I enjoyed it more. The shooting is still not great, but it's improved slightly. The story is much more interesting, and the weird psychedelic unhinged direction they went definitely gave it some more badly needed flavor.

It's a telltale game. You know what you're getting. But it's also dinosaurs, and I found it more enjoyable than I thought I would.

It was the first ps3 game that I played that I felt like really showed me what the system could do. As a kid playing this I felt like a super hero and it was amazing. The aiming still really bothers me, but this game really blew my mind as a kid with it's story even, and I couldn't wait for the second one.

One of my favorite gaming intros that I can think of. Just starts off with a bang and never lets up. I have some qualms with the story since they don't explain what happened to every character since the first one and expect you to read extracurricular media, but it's still such an enjoyable original superhero game.

I like that the devs did something really out there for DLC. That being said, it gets really repetitive, really fast. The ending made me actually laugh out loud though, so there's that.

It was amazing seeing the power of the ps4 when this came out, but unfortunately after the ending of 2 I was worried for this game, and I was right to be. Seattle just did not feel like a fun location for a superhero. Also, man, the evil choices just did not feel believable in this one for who the character was and where he came from.
I was so excited for different powers but we got smoke? Neon? Concrete? Just so many odd choices.

Got it for free on epic, kinda wish I could give it back. Absolutely no rhyme or reason to why your bridge does or doesn't work. I ran the sim like 5 times and it finally worked randomly. Idk man.

I wasn't expecting how fast it would hook me, but I was in from the jump (no pun). Obviously more simple than most of what we have these days in the genre, but the voice acting is still phenomenal, the feeling of power is still there, and I hated ares just as much as kratos did it felt like. So excited to keep going through the series.