weirdly emotionally resonant in a good way. movement and combat very fun and responsive. progression is very natural and exploration is encouraged throughout

too many memories to count

fun card game. monetization and modern gamemodes clutter and confuse

top class modern horror. example on how to make a short and sweet indie game

characters and story are pretty good. game shines when it comes to gameplay and the artstyle

very fun game. movement is fun with some bs options for some weight classes

the 3ds kirby games are surprisingly fun. can be easy at times but has exciting moments

solid short and inventive mario platformer. super polished

cute game. scoring for pokemon feels too obtuse.

cute polished mobile game.

great story game. subversive in a non-annoying way

cute puzzle game. nothing super daring but the usual nintendo polish

great story. love when the game commits to sweeping gameplay changes deep into the game