fun little experience. addictive and puts me to sleep at the same time

fun game w friends. best single player content for a smash game

fun sometimes to fuck around but mostly an aimless somewhat empty sandbox

more of a social app then a game

the best out there for open world adventure and exploration gameplay

weirdly emotionally resonant in a good way. movement and combat very fun and responsive. progression is very natural and exploration is encouraged throughout

best zelda game. beautiful game and possibly the most mechanically polished game ever

one of the best games to play new with friends. looses replayability a little after a bit. experience disparity between players lessens the fun

most of the games here are peak fun on the wii u with friends. some are misses though

fun time but weird unpolished corners hold it back

very fun 2d platform fighter. feels the best to move in next to smash. workshop is silly

one of the best time wasters on mobile