Play Recettear instead. This is a clone that came out ten years later but managed to be worse in every way.

X-COM: UFO Defense for the post 2010 age. Pretty faithful recreation of the original masterpiece.

The population manager and council delegator parts are very interesting and kept me intrigued and playing.

The RTS portion was awful.

Worse than the original in every way.

It's not a bad game. Just bad when compared to Fallout, Fallout 2, and Fallout NV, which it kind of has to be.

I love tower defense games. This is a good tower defense game.

Genuinely still holds up as something you could play today.

Probably the high point of the series. Not really saying much.

Confusing gameplay design decisions make it feel worse than it's predecessor. It's not bad, but I'd rather play Enemy Unknown, Xenonauts, or one of the original X-COMs. Maybe not Terror from the Deep.

Really interesting take on real time with pause gameplay.

I can no longer play the career mode because the servers shut off. Really makes one think.

In 2020, I would rather play the original Dungeon Keeper on a Dosbox than try to truly finish this.

Dwarf Fortress, with only a hairs breadth of the depth. Which isn't really a knock against it, but when you've already played DF it can fall short of what you actually want.

Ubisoft's launcher sucks. The game is exactly what it says it is.

Really enjoyable, the first time you play it. Charm falls off and annoyances grow when you replay it. Still, the first impression was really good.