Remember when games came free on your computer and remember when they would just put a pretty amazing simple pinball game that became your favorite?

Cause that game was 3D Pinball: Space Cadet

One of the most fun, joyful, heartwarming and creative games of all time, with great little details and moments all wrapped up in a game with so much personality, it's easily one of my all time favs

The first level of this game is honestly fantastic. If you can get the game on sale for dirt cheap on whatever you majorly play your games on, I absolutely recommend it if you're a fan of the Pro Skater games. A bedroom transformed into a skate park for a bird on a teck deck is complete genius and I had so much fun.

Then the game goes into stage 2 and this is where I had to stop because wow does this game get WAY TOO hard to even keep going, not to mention, just loses a lot of charm because now we're just on a connection of buildings.

It's hard to even decide if Skatebird is a solid title or not, but since I had so much fun in the first stage I can't hate it

Wario Land 4 may infact be the greatest game of all time

If there's one thing that keeps me coming back to Super Mario 64, it's that Mario probably has some of the best speed in any 3D platformer. Not too fast, not too slow. It makes replaying this game again and again feel so good.

I even 100% every file on my copy via Super Mario 3D All Stars cause I loved it that much.

The sprite art, gimmick and nostalgia is what ultimately keeps me from disliking this game. Unfortunately when it comes to board layout and the actual pinball physics is where this game bores me quickly. Even basic Pinball on NES had better physics and board than the two boards you get in this game.

That being said, there is still a bit of charm to this one if you have nostalgia for Pokemon especially for early Pokemon so I can't hate it.