Yeah, just 7 short missions with obnoxious zombies, don't waste your time. Movie posters are cool and the meta stuff can be nice but overall bland and uninspired. Funnily enough like the "main character" of this DLC

Super simple, fun theming, will never play again. I don't understand why game devs love gimmicks like the jetpack then create whole sections where you can't use it

Probably will stand out more than the base game in my memory, but nothing specifically that occurred was noteworthy

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I just stopped caring about story once everyone started getting superpowers/ seemed to cause of the bliss. Overall though, it was a fun enough shooting adventure, but will likely never play it again nor thinkj of it unless friends wanted to do co op for some fun.

I have such mixed feelings for this game. The gameplay itself is nice with solid weapons and an alright variety of them. Movement was slow outside of the grapple but an argument can be made for slowed movement because of the knee high snow on the planet and mechs themselves be slow. The mechs themselves are also tolerable, if you don't accidently rip their weapons off when trying to enter them.

Story is pointlessly complicated and half of it isn't even told. Stuff just happens between cutscenes and the game assumes you know the passage of events or that the mission somehow connected them. Don't be surprised if you're confused or just don't end up caring too much about any of the characters.

The boss fights are without a doubt the most frustrating parts of the game with sloppy cameras, stun locking, etc. They can either be laughably easy or just frustratingly easy with the game itself creating arbitrary difficulty.

Overall, it's probably worth your time with a pretty short playtime made even shorter if you ignore most of the enemies.

You're perfectly average puzzle game, nothing too complicated but those elevator puzzles can be a slight pain as you realize if you mess up with them, you have messed up.

Super easy to revert your movements though, with no penalty.

Lacks the twist and any power behind it's message but an overall solid game. Could live without the protecting the little sisters but nothing too frustrating.

This was my second attempt at playing through this game. Unfortunately I remembered rather quickly why I stopped. Repetitive 100% gameplay, the driving becomes rather dull quickly, and the story is uninteresting. The combat is arguably very fun Arkham style with combos and counters, however it can get bogged down with the camera not zoomed out enough and being hit by an enemy off screen. There is also ALOT of animation locking where Max is not immune during it.

Overall, it's not a bad game especially if you're fond of a mind numbing grind, just not for me.

Without a doubt Bloons perfected, arguably too much of a reliance on an in game currency but everything is easily achievable without paying a cent.